Welcome to the Internet Box's Come Here and Talk.
Basically no one is going to use this, but here it is anyway.
-Don't post anything illegal
-Don't post clop and/or furry porn
-Don't spam
Breaking said rules will get you banned. No warnings.
You can use basic BB code to style your text; bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough.
If you created a topic, you also have the ability to lock it if you're done with it.
- 3 Cool
776 Replies

Replying to Mike: My suggestion. We have forum moderators. They could keep the rules enforced but also know the people a bit better than you do. Somebody like me maybe.
P.S there is clop pictures in the "furry ama" thread which so happens to be an SFW thread.

Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

Dear Internet Box Community, I am an NGF and had all my posts removed because I tried to oppose our OVERLORD.

Deleted User
Replying to Neal:
"NSFW content is allowed as long as it's not CP, clop, or furry. As well as it stays in marked topics."
Mike seems okay with it as long as it's not whatever is mentioned above.
(still don't agree, but whatever)
Mike: I'd appreciate it if you updated the rules specifying what you said in your comment above.
..and we have mods now? Considering my love of rules, I'd love to be one. (just sayin)

Replying to arikisbeastley: Neal argued with Mike and needed to be punished accordingly.

Deleted User
Replying to iNfinity_boi:
As much fun rule-breaking is, I strongly suggest you stop.
"Breaking said rules will get you banned, not just from CHAT, but from the entire website. No warnings."
Please? I enjoy having everyone here. I don't want Mike to ban you.

Listening to a previous podcast, just "discovered" or I guess maybe rediscovered or was reminded of this podcast and stuff last week so I'm going through every single episode EVER. I honestly have no life so yeah. Anyways listening to a podcast with the TV on and muted and on comes a commercial for the My Little Pony Wedding Castle playset. Destiny? I don't know about that. Freaking awesome? Definitely!

Replying to Ethake: If you had just listened to them from the start a year ago you wouldn't have this problem.

Problem: I can't create threads. Following is a stream of consciousness of someone without acclimation to web design. Is it just me, or is for everyone? Did the site get hacked again or something? The threads don't lock after a certain number... right? Is my computer just loaded slowly? Will anyone even read this or no?

Deleted User
Replying to AStingyMiser:
Earlier I was going to make the Sleepless in Ponyville discussion thread(yes dictionary, Ponyville is a word! stop underlining it!), but couldn't. It looks like it works now.
The threads lock after 500 posts.
Mike: I see the rules haven't been updated... still

Replying to MadBadCoyote: I was talking about the thread listing. But it's fixed now, so IDGAF.

Having a way to change how many topics you see per page would be nice, but that would require math...

Replying to Mike: Well, the less work you have to do the better I suppose... And just out of curiosity, does a swag-master like you have any advice on picking up the ladies?

risaxis BANNED
Cookin with dylon part 2

Deleted User
Replying to AStingyMiser:
Also mike, could you find a way to make it easier to use CHAT on a mobile device? It's kinda annoying having to clear my cookies and data every time I want to see if there are new replies to a topic on my iPad.

Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Then only log in with one device at a time. Since the injection attack, I've made things a little more secure.

Replying to Rex: A few members for some reason are excused from the censoring. Others found ways around it.

Deleted User
Replying to Mike:
Is it all right to have my computer auto-sign me in? I don't think if signs out after I shut it off.
And I meant that seeing how many replies a topic has on an iPad is annoying. After I see the main CHAT page, I have to clear my cookies and data before it shows if there are new threads or replies.
Also typing on my iPad is a an eye strain. I can't zoom in to the text box to type. If you can somehow make that happen, I'd be very thankful.
Also, do you think it could be possible to be able to preview our replies to a topic before it's posted? This way we'd have less posts with messed up YouTube links.

Deleted User
How it feels waiting for a response in the CHAT

Replying to MadBadCoyote:
1. It's up to you. The website auto signs you out after 2 weeks anyway.
2. No idea what the problem could be. Seems to work on everything else. Stop using Apple products.
3. See previous answer.
4. No. This is done on purpose. Teaches people to proof read, or be publicly humiliated.

Deleted User
Replying to Mike:
1. K, but i get a weird warning saying i "shouldn't be doing that" after I've auto-signed in after awhile.
2. eh, I can handle such a minor inconvenience. Why?
3. I'm working with what I got here. Plus, I like it. It's shiny!
4. yeah, I get it. but I'd kinda like to see how the spacing of the text looks before I post it.
5. Lists are fun.
Oh, and I see those pesky rules haven't been updated yet. will you please look into that? pretty pleeeaase?
and thx for actually listening!
PS: Does anyone else from the podcast read the CHAT?

risaxis BANNED
Calm down gaylord. Post censored by Jaden.

Replying to Tegdif: I think I may like Jaden. He only seems to censor risaxis though. Say hi everybody

Deleted User
Replying to Mike:
Here's the bug I get after being auto-signed in after a while.
Just thought I'd let you know.

risaxis BANNED

Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Every time you sign in with a new device the security token is updated, rendering the old one invalid.

Deleted User
Replying to Mike:
..but sometimes it happens when I haven't signed in for a couple days. On any device.
(oh look at those poor, updated rules! please help them Mike! you're their only hope!)

Deleted User
Replying to Mike:
Why is the spacing all messed up here:
when you edit a post?
Also a suggestion: if you had some free time, could you add pony emotes like the ones in /r/mylittlepony ? I know it works kinda with "My Global Ponies", but it's not as fun if not everyone can see them.

Deleted User
Hey Mike, could you make a notification pop up when someone replies to you or comments on your profile?

Deleted User
Not sure if it's a bug, but when after I post a response and reload the tab, sometimes the post button won't work for the next response.

May I make a suggestion? Okay, so, first... we need a suggestion CHAT Topic to be on the first page, like this one. Secondly, I think there should be a thing that shows the last person to comment in that CHAT topic, that way you don't have to remember the number of replies.

Could you add a feature for users so that they can favourite/like chat topics. Keep a list of ones they like so they can refer back to them easily without looking at a backlog of pages or searching by title. Then create a better alert system so you know when they have been added to. This could greatly extend the longevity of topics and hopefully prevent duplicates.

Deleted User
You changed the rules!

Noone said anything but, happy new year people.

Deleted User
A suggestion:
I like the notification that tells you when there's a new reply in your thread.
Can you make one for when people reply to something you said within a thread. Even if you didn't make it?
And again, consider adding more tags like gore, clop, furry, etc.

Deleted User
Replying to AStingyMiser:
Plus, it lets people post content other might find "undesirable" in specially marked threads so that if you don't want to see gore or clop content, you don't have to.
/long sentence

Replying to MadBadCoyote: /notreally
I just don't think that with too slow of a load time, servers that can probably handle about 50 or so people before melting, lack of basic and/or much-desirable functionalities such as showing how many posts users have, online/offline status, signatures, and Gamertag/Steam name listings (at least on a gaming website), something so comparatively impractical seems time-wasting. (/actuallylongsentence) I know Mike doesn't update terribly often, but when he does, it's usually something useful, at least to the right person.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: "Welcome to the InternetBox CHAT. How tough are ya?" This is a danker corner of the internet that should be well-noted as not for the feint of heart. Not nearly as bad as, say, 4chan, but still, it's no "TBH I think you are a pretty cool guy. You is on facebook and doesn't afraid of anything."

Deleted User
Replying to AStingyMiser:
The length of that sentence actually confused me as to what it's counterpoint was.
Sorry, I'm a bit dense.

Deleted User

Replying to YouReadMyName: Because it's a brony-run website. Don't like it? Ignore it. Can't stand it? GTFO.

Mike, I swear to Lucifer if you don't type Rarity is best pony in reply to this message I'm gonna post the screen grabs from that time I saw you on Chatroulette stroking your salami, dressed as a provocative nyancat!!!!!!!!!!
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