Episode 126
The Internet Box is clicking this week!
June 27, 2016
Questions answered
From almostatimelord
What is the weirdest way you've ever accidentally hurt yourself? (e.g. I was going down a slip-n-slide and my dad tripped on a hamburger next to it, cutting off the water and causing me to get major roadrash)
From almostatimelord
Out of all your various work experiences in life, as the AH intern, the star of the Mikecast, the maybe ten minutes you worked at Best Buy before you fell off the table, which would you say has been the most interesting?
From cheltenham98
Lindsay, in your years of knowing Michael, what's the biggest video game/movie/tv show that one of you liked, but the other hated?
From DanTheNGF
What advice would you give to someone coming out to their parents? How was your experience with this?
From sonny88p
Would you rather take a syringe or a suppository?