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So Keemstar is a thing. So there has been a lot of things going on with Keemostar. There will be quite a few videos below showing more recent info about him, but I wanted to make a chat-post about him.

So, Keemstar has been very annoyed recently that a bunch of big YouTubers have been calling him out (such as Pyrocynical, LeafyIsHere, and GradeAUnderA) and has been losing a lot of subscribers (87K within the last month, putting him behind his competitor scarce) to the point where he's lost his god damn mind and is saying he wants to (and this is a quote) "Burn them to the fucking ground". He is planning on doing stuff such as exposing them online and suing them IRL. If anyone has watched a lot of Drama Alert, they would know what kind of stuff is shown on there (like Pedophile allegations, drug abuse, fighting, and the list goes on) which has led to many channels and people being left destroyed and in ruins sometimes without reason (the biggest example was with Bashurverse, who had a mental breakdown from all the hate he got due to the allegations of pedophilia on Drama Alert from Keemstar).

As seen previously on chat with IdubbbzTV's content cop, Keemstars past has finally been exposed to a wider audience who are willing to support the downfall of Keemstar.

I am personally in high support of Keemstar being exposed as he is an egotistical yet sensitive manipulative bitch who will do anything for dem YouTube views (clickbait titles, unneeded stories, ect) and I hope he leaves the internet to spend time on what should be his #1 priority: His daughter.

What do you think of Keemstar? Like him? Hate him? I'm curious.

Pyrocynicals video on Keemstar
Click to play

Leafys better video on Keemstar
Click to play

GradeAUnderAs better video on Keemstar
Click to play

TagAnimationz getting the DramaAlert Trademark

Bashurs mental breakdown because of Keemstar
Click to play

Me being blocked by Keemstar
CHAT Image

16 Replies


Ass To Ass

I don't really know who Keemstar is, I know he does #DramaAlert, but I've been ignoring all the stuff surrounding him.


The new kid that was hosting DramaAlert was 100x better then Keem ever was.


The new kid that was hosting DramaAlert was 100x better then Keem ever was.


Hey Big Zam!

Let's get riiiiiiiiiight to it. I nothing Keemstar to be honest. I saw a couple of videos where I think he had GradeA on with some weird YouTuber who harasses people on his videos and I really enjoyed GradeA destroying the other guy but Keem's additions to the conversation sounded like random fuckboii comments.
YouTube's algorithms have become strangely beneficial for users like him so it's likely he'll still retain a large audience once this all blows over (The FineBros still get millions on their videos). I think someone who has started doing the drama coverage reall well and in a significantly less douchey way is Philip Defranco. I'm so happy he's getting a bigger audience. He seems like a super nice guy despite having clickbaity titles and preview pics, plus he's been around since forever.


Based Deak

If you care you are part of the problem

  • +1

I just like IdubbbzTV and Jacksfilms videos on him 'cause they were funny. Other than that - I feel too for that kind of stuff.


Ass To Ass

@TheXRayFactor: *The rule for all "Internet Drama."


So... this is gonna sound like a REALLY weird place to make this criticism, but to be honest? I really HATE all the publicity and attention and currency I see paid to people who do Youtube shows. Now, to clarify, I'm not talking about people who produce a variety of content, such as Roosterteeth, Screwattack, Machinima, TFS, et al. who's content just happens to be hosted on Youtube. I'm also not talking about people who do podcasts in the manner IB does theirs: no frills, no ego, no pride and no expectations of greater rewards.

I'm talking about all these sad-sacks on Youtube and Twitch who think a computer, a webcam and capture software means all of a sudden they need to be seen and heard. Now, we could spend all day going on about how this is just our culture reaping what it's sown, but if we're honest, I'm more than happy to see flame wars and harassment between these fucks. You wanted to appear before the masses? Congratulations, you've got their attention. The only shame is where they draw the line. Sonichu? Now THAT harassment was a thing of beauty.



Everyone type in chat "Alex is a stupid nigger."

  • +1


@TheXRayFactor: Honestly, it's a dislike but at the same time like Keem.
Dislike him because of the things he's done and how egotistical he is.
Like him because of the comedy of him losing his shit over the internet even though he is 35 and has a daughter.




Hey Big Zam!

@Master_Hater: But the problem is that everyone of those people who produce that variety of content have to start with something right?

For example, Rooster Teeth started as a bunch of nerdy guys voicing over characters in a video game, which theoretically is super lame. You gotta be starting something to get somewhere, you know what I mean?

I get what you mean though; it's all about your attitude and the way you approach content creation.


foking furry

I have been watching grade's videos about him he seems like a cunt


@absolutezilch: That's just it though, RT started with animation and skits. Machinima, with animation; TFS with parody; Screwattack comes the closest by starting with analysis and editorials, but even then they started off with a small group of people and put great effort and attention to detail with their editing.

I could even bring up some smaller channels like YongYea, who deals in Video Game News, that also use the bargain-basement layout of one guy at a desk with a camera. The difference is, that channel exists with a clear purpose in mind and always pays greater mind to the content produced than trying to make a name for the person running it.

What I'm talking about is this new generation of people who either want a soapbox to mouth off on and think that qualifies them as an artist; or are just so full of themselves they think they need to bless us with their unwashed faces and mouth-breathing voices. A lot of them remind me of the old idiom of moon-calf girls going out to Hollywood thinking they'll be starlets and ending up as prostitutes: good riddance to bad rubbish, near as I can see.


foking furry

@Master_Hater: so you're not a big fan of vloggers



Hey remember this? Well not anymore lol.

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