Well looks like Twilight is going to become a princess. I have mixed feelings about it and don't really now what to expect. What do you guys think?
158 Replies
Replying to AStingyMiser:
lol, I can't believe I put that. I would edit it, but that is such a great fail it needs to stay.
You guys brought this on yourself, Hasbro realized that bronies keep buying toys and watching the show even if it is crap. So it is easier for Hasbro to make bad episodes that people will still watch no matter what than actually spend time and money on good episodes.
When was this show a fucking democracy? It's not. If it jumps the shark, it's Hasbro's fault, but it's because they making shitty episodes, not because they REBELLED AGAINST THE FANS. That's like blaming the governor for- well, okay, bad example. The point is, YOU ARE NOT THE GODS OF THE SHOW. YOU ARE ITS FANBASE. Voice your comments, fine, but don't think you have anything close to power.
Deleted User
Replying to AStingyMiser:
well Hasbro is the cause of most of my panic toward this. just sayin. they seem like the bad guys in this situation. definitely not the show's creators.
Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
Replying to AStingyMiser:
From here on out I'll consider whatever happens in season 4 to be a marketing ploy.
Here is the thing guys you can say nobody is saying anything. But Tara Strong, and many other voice actors are saying that the show won't change much. My guess is that the episode/season 4 ending (if it doesn't happen that episode) is that Twilghit will realize she is not ready and go back to normal. Then it will also show that she will be worthy. Now stop freaking out. We have two weeks and until then and it is no different from another show doing something like this. This doesn't make it a marketing ploy. They make far much more money on the show thanks to Bronies and they would not screw that up. But people act like the writers showed up drunk and high and were just like "HASBRO WANTED A NEW PRINCESS AND THEY WANT THAT PRINCESS TO BE IN THE SHOW MORE AND NOT MAKE A NEW CHARACTER!? WELL INSTEAD OF CADENCE, LUNA, OR ANYTHING ELSE LETS PUT WINGS ON TWILIGHT AND THEN FUCK THE SHOW WE'LL HAVE MONEY!"
By the way that is probably not what happened in case you are worried about that now. We are promised a new season and if the show changes it won't mean a bad change.
P.S. Sorry if this is a repost but I don't have time to read all of the thread. Also I know it is mostly madbadcoyote. from what I have read.
Deleted User
Replying to s34n_h:
I saw that thing on reddit. I explained my opinion better in it's comments here
I'm back to panicking again... Haven't slept well since hearing about it...
I'm still worried :(
Deleted User
Replying to deadshadow:
I've been trying to. It doesn't appear to be working.
I've been really sad all day at school today. It just won't get out of my head
Yes most of the princesses have no personality but I think that is because most of the princesses on the show are pretty much secondary characters.Twilight however is a main character i don't think they will change her personality or her friendship.
Deleted User
Replying to natehalodragon:
That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried that this change will close off the possibility of exploring Twilight's wonderful strengths and weaknesses in future episodes. I don't want those plot ideas to be replaced with her dealing with being a princess and the problems that can come from that. I think that sounds infinity less interesting and has a unfortunate possibility of taking over a lot of the show.
(i also think that plot idea sounds incredibly dumb. Nothing about this seems like a good idea.)
I've been trying to emotionally detach myself from Twilight. It hurts to look at her right now.
They already got rid of Derpy. Do they have to ruin Twilight too? Maybe this won't kill the show, but I'm going to be very disappointed if she doesn't change back.
Deleted User
Replying to s34n_h:
I appreciate what that picture is trying to tell me, and I commend the artist for doing so.
It's just not helping me. Looking at her like that feels like a permanent reminder of a horrible decision.
Well the writers pulled it off I am completely satisfied with Twilights transformation into a princess. Blab it worked out.
Are people really freaking out already? I understand being worried about it but you have no idea where the show is going now, might be cool having Twilight with i hated the episode, not cause Twilight became a princess, but just cause it felt incredibly sloppy and ill put together how they crammed 2 completely different stories into 22 minutes. They could have at least made it an hour long like ever other season
FappingBlackGuy OW;TheJosher
I only like the first two seasons of MLP. You know, because season 3 is untrve and I'm too fucking necro to like that shit.
@deadshadow: ok, we get it...
ANYHOOSLE, I think evryone freaking out over nothing. Granted, I'm not as hardcore of a brony as the people who are (apparently) actually losing sleep over all this, but I think it's a great change. I thought the show was getting a little bland/stale with one random event after another with little to no progression of the overall plot. I'm glad to see they're actually going somewhere with the show, and not just cranking out lame stories every week just to say they've done something. I am very much looking forward to seeing what they do from here.
@RenegadeAngel88: It's funny because one of our best friends on the site is seriously losing sleep over this.
Deadlyparasite BANNED
You've probably figured this out by this point, but reloading the page fixes that.
Your all idiots (besides the people that support princess twilight) twilight sparkle has become an alicirn so what you haven't seen the episodes to come so you don't know what they are going to do with it so shut your stupid face. Twilight number 1 fluttershy number 2
Deleted User
Don't be mean. It's just an opinion.
I'm just worried. The fact that it felt tacked on and didn't have anything to do with the episode it was in didn't help either.
I wish this thread would go away now.
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