Welcome to the Internet Box's Come Here and Talk.
Basically no one is going to use this, but here it is anyway.
-Don't post anything illegal
-Don't post clop and/or furry porn
-Don't spam
Breaking said rules will get you banned. No warnings.
You can use basic BB code to style your text; bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough.
If you created a topic, you also have the ability to lock it if you're done with it.
- 3 Cool
776 Replies

....or not. I SWEAR I CAN DO IT.
I meant to copy the image URL but I can't get one for some reason.

I think instead of like a rating system. We have like an upvote system. Like, If someone said something funny, I can just upvote it. But not downvote it. Then you have the option to sort through the top rated comments or threads in a certain amount of time (Day, Week, Month, Ever)

Replying to BearSmarts: Good idea. That'd be really nice. Though downvotes might be a good idea too.

I think the top posters section should be disabled. It's causing nothing more than petty competion and shit-posting that's the equivalent of spam.

Replying to Rex: I agree. I hate to say it, but Deadshadow's probably the worst offender of it.

risaxis BANNED

Replying to Rex:
Replying to AStingyMiser:
I have to agree with you guys as well. It is stupid and just creates pointless posts. I also see noobs coming in here with a "goal" of becoming a top poster. That's fucking stupid. You should come here to enjoy the community and meet people. Not to become top poster in a desperate search for attention. I feel like a lot of people just post shit in order to up their post count. I also cringe every time I see someone talking about how they want to become top poster.


Replying to Eddie: The only reason I even made that goel was to piss KimmyJ off, which was successful, and it kind of happened by accident because I post way too fucking much with or without the goal. All it does to me now is single me out and embarrass me when I see how much I post. Might as well have a gigantic banner saying "NGF." It's a bit of a reward but mostly just a curse.
Not that Mike will ever see this thread or listen to the different suggestions.

Replying to AStingyMiser:
Yea I don't really care about you. No matter if it was your goal or not you were headed towards top posters. I don't like to noobs who come in here thinking top poster is great, and saying they are going to get it when they only have 400 posts themselves. It just makes me cringe knowing that being top poster is the only reason they are here. Also a lot of them don't even listen to IB and I am just sitting here thinking why the fuck are you even here in the first place?

Mike, michael, lindsey, and andrew were talking about a community play date for minecraft and they didnt kno how to do it since u can only play online minecraft games with friends or friends of friends on xbox live and i have thought of a solution: create an xbox live account just for internetbox play dates and have ppl send in friend requests then accept them and when u have the play date ppl join the game :D

Replying to Eddie: In my defense I'm here because KimmyJ told me to, and basically just stayed because I liked you guys.

Replying to AStingyMiser:
Yea I understand, like I said i'm not attacking you. I'm getting mad at the stupid noobs who come in here and ruin the quality of conversations just because they want top posters.

Replying to Eddie:
You know what, you guys are right. I revoke my goal of become a top poster. However, I'm still going to post here a lot (I have never spammed or shit posted, or even posted in one word and never will) because I like you guys, it's a nice little community of a bunch of bros

I have a problem, so I decided to bitch about it here of all places, since I can't seem to find a relevant thread. I've forgotten my password and can't for the life of me remember what it is. There is no "HEY, DUMBASS, YOU GOT MEMORY PROBLEMS?" button, or conformation e-mail (unless I just fucked that up). If anyone could help me in this grand endeavor, I would greatly appreciate it.

Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.


Hey guys :D! I made an internet box podcast animated adventure thing :3. Check it out poopity kazooie
Internet box animated boop!

risaxis BANNED
wow triple post some more, NGF!

Deleted User
Replying to OP: no clop and why can you mark a thread NSFW?

They bring the rukkus, with so much chaos.

risaxis BANNED
Hey so this tread is unlocked.

Mike why are you banned from the whole website they should still be allowed to listen to the podcast

risaxis BANNED
Why would you lock the ban club? didn't you post in it?

I got excited when I saw that this weeks episode was 3 hours long and then got really depressed when I saw that I had to listen to Dylon for 3 hours.

shenmoki BANNED
@Sw3Et: I like Dylon. I think he speaks quite well. And i feel everyone got their 2 cents in in the pokemon discussion.

"Basically no one is going to use this, but here it is anyway." Yeah, Mike, you right.

People Should Stop Ah Hating On Mike He Did Nothing But say a few okay many stupid things, that's all
- Yes
3 - No
16 - Maybe
Poll has been closed.

GummmiGator BANNED

Grandma! Where is my super suit?


M4xwell Insanitarium
Replying to OP: "Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_object() on a non-object in /home/interne2/public_html/questions/members/edit-profile.php on line 14" - i get this when trying to edit my profile...
Is this normal?

By "clop" do you mean sherclop? Because if not the MLP dub Friendship is Witchcraft is amazing http://www.sherclop.com/v/foaly-matripony

BreadWolf Weinerlord
Nah that show was pretty legit. I'm not ashamed to say I enjoyed it when it first aired.
Then I realized I have a penis.

Well actually what you want to do is put the bag into the tank, so the fish can get adjusted to the tanks temperature. Once it's adjusted untie the bag and let the fish swim out.

Ogrelord_Shrek BANNED
Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

Is there anyway a "no bump" function could be included in CHAT? It could be nice to have.
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