I just figured out how to make a topic. I'm a dumb NGF
27 Replies
Deleted User
Great choice of first topic!
Parks Ass To Ass
@Levunrif: It's next level shitposting, and I appreciate that. "Shitthreading" has been born.
forecep42 Rin=Waifu
don't make me get the gaping anus again, I don't care if this isn't an NSFW thread
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@Levunrif: You can't. I think Mike got to it quickly and it just says 'Calm Down. This post has been censored.' or something like that.
My_nama_Jeff Oil
@absolutezilch: 'Calm Down Gaylord. This post has been censored' I'm pretty sure it is.
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