What happened, why has the ROLFing stopped?
26 Replies
Deleted User KimJungUn
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
Is a laughing floor an earthquake? Cuz if it is, I never ROLF cuz fault lines are for chumps.
FappingBlackGuy OW;TheJosher
If Mike gave a shit about ROLFing, he'd have made a bot automatically ROLF in threads. And if he cared about preventing the ROLF, he'd make a bot that ROLF blocks.
To make it interesting, he would randomly generate which bot posted first, so some ROLFs bled through but sometimes didn't.
My_nama_Jeff Oil
There should be more ROLF's. There recently seems to be a lack of ROLF's, we need to improve.
My_nama_Jeff Oil
I have an idea, lets revive the practice by posting a picture of all the ROLF's we've recently done.
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