Anybody know any similar to internet box? Nothing will replace it, but I've got to do something to fill the hole :(
Anybody listen to any good gaming/geek podcasts?
23 Replies

risaxis BANNED
Mine will be out soon.

risaxis BANNED
@phonix321: mhmmm. It actually turned out okay. I'll record another one with different people and we'll see which is better.

Parks Ass To Ass
These are the podcast's I listen to that I think are kind of similar.
Rooster Teeth Podcast
Game Scoop
Podcast Beyond
Knockin' Boots
Super Knocking' Boots

deadshadow foking furry
well there are chat podcasts but the most legit i listen to is the rooster teeth one

M4xwell Insanitarium
Shoutout for the 47th thread about this.
Heard that the Mad CHATter Podcast has some solid intros.

risaxis BANNED
@VoodooSoup: are you in? if you are I would love to have you on. You seem like you'd do great.
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