bubblejuicekose mochen
The Fallout Series and My Little Pony are two things that are very special to me. So, hearing that someone created a fanfic crossing the two together, that was something that I had to see for myself. At first glance, I wasn't sure what to make of Fallout: Equestria. One thing is of course to be admired in Fallout: Equestria is how ambitious it is. These were two radically different franchises design for radically different demographics, but you can clearly see the author’s love for the both franchises and their attempt to create the best of both worlds.
The story follows the perspective of a clever young unicorn mare named Littlepip who leaves her underground stable and must travel through the Equestrian Wasteland, a ravaged Equestria that has been devastated by nuclear war, in search of her friend Velvet Remedy. In her adventures she meets various characters, friends and enemies, as she struggles to cope with the harsh realities of post-apocalyptic life.
Fallout: Equestria does many things right and wrong, and one of it being the plot. The story is a mixture of the four main Fallout Titles, the plot is well thought-out and coherent, but it does fall flat at times. The story also incorporates a back story of Littlepip learning how the Equestrian Wasteland came to be. This involves the mane six taking on government jobs, and go through their perspective and tells the story of their actions during the war. This Pre-War arc becomes a more compelling story than the problems in the present and I became far more interested in the mane six’s adventure than the adventures of Littlepip.
The characters are all lovable in their own way, every character in the story feels dynamic and mixes well with Littlepip, and this is what drives her the development. Each character Littlepip interacts with results in this moral dilemma that makes her question the meaning of what it means to be good and evil. This takes the story on an emotional and psychological ride and makes you question the “tragic hero” archetype,and makes you ask yourself. “were their actions really just.” This is was really drives Littlepip’s journey even if it’s main plot falls short of what it could have been.
One thing you have to be wary of is that this is a very dark book, involving many graphic and gruesome scenes about death, blood gore and disembodiment, alcohol and drugs, rape, and explicit sexual themes. There is nothing subtle about this fic, everything is dark and depressing and it rarely lightens up, especially further down into the story. So be worn.
When I downloaded the PDF, the first thing I noticed is that the book was over 2000 pages long. This is a slow read, and the main reason why it can be so slow is that because Kkat took so much time to describe every last detail in every single room, and there are a lot of rooms.The amount of detail can bore a lot of readers and can make them feel like the story is dragging on. This kind of writing is an acquired taste that can make or break the story, but it’s the amount of detail that it creates such an a fleshed out and vivid world. The book becomes slow, but the world feels so alive. This is one of the many praises I have to give to Kkat for making such a beautifully diverse world.
Fallout: Equestria is a gem, with some scratches here and there, but it’s incredible atmosphere and interesting character’s shines, and shines brightly. If you like My Little Pony and the Fallout Series then, check this out. This is one fanfic that you wont forget.
11 Replies

M4xwell Insanitarium
It's one of the better MLP fanfic out there, but as for all stories, there're continuity errors alongside. I read the original many months ago and enjoyed it, but not to say it's the best (actually can be a tad overrated).

risaxis BANNED
I want to read it but its long and frankly, I don't care enough

Word of advice. If you're going to invest the amount of time and effort you put into this, don't do it here. Put it on... I dunno. Facebook or YouTube or some shit. Not here. Believe you me. I've tried and failed. All this will do is cause shit to be flipped or get totally ignored. Best-case scenario, you get maybe three peoples' intelligent responses.

Shannon Queen
About half way right now. Chapter 33 i believe. Its a good story. Better than i was expecting. But its long so when I get to the occasional dry part I have to force myself through it but once I get to a good part its easy sailing.
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