Is playing Moemon legal? I want to play Moemon but I won't if it is illegal. Discuss.
37 Replies
How dare that motherfucker bad mouth one of my childhood games?!
So happy that people are working on a proper English conversion for that game!
Anyway, pretty sure playing Moemon is illegal because you didn't purchase the files that are being modded, you downloaded them off the internet. It would be different if it was running from the files of your own copy of FireRed or Emerald (depending on which hack you get). I'm pretty sure that the mod itself is legal, the emulation is definitely legal, but its still pirating the original files.
Luckily Nintendo doesn't care about it and haven't done anything about in the years it's been out and popular, so go ahead.
HisOwnFather BANNED
just waiting for a ban from the overlord himself
Praise the lord 0
@WeenMachine: i love pokemon, but little girl pokemon? thats fucked up, and anyone who plays moemon should either kill themselves or go to therapy
@LV_Wizard: but its fucking pedophilic .... youre playing pokemon where the pokemon are little girls dressed up as pokemon...... fucking creepy, and i say for yet a third time, if you play this game, either kill yourself or go to therapy
risaxis BANNED
@Pat_RedHawk:only if your fapping to it. With that logic, 90% of anime's are like that or even driving by a school. Your an idiot. Point made.
TheXRayFactor Based Deak
I love how before you call him an idiot you misuse the vocable your.
- +1
risaxis BANNED
@TheXRayFactor:I dont think I would do that so please show me by link to thread or screencap.
TheXRayFactor Based Deak
You can already stop pretending to be an imbecile.
Unless you are not pretending, of course. Then, I suggest taking language classes; I imagine it would be awful to not already know the basics of your mother language by the time of your tenth anniversary.
@TheXRayFactor: Eww what. He and his mother had a tenth "anniversary" and barely knew each other? Goddamn there's some fucked up shit in this thread.
Hate to break this to you: These are non-sexualised. Y'know what that means? It's you who's making the link to sex. Otherwise these are just cute sprites, but your mind is the one taking this innocent thing and making links to paedophillia. Shame on you.
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