I'm not completely sure what I want in the way of a title, considering it might sound lame if I just make another Dark Souls reference nobody's gonna get (PRAISE THE SUN), so in true Mike fashion, I'm gonna let you people have a say in what y'all want my username to be, of course it can be funny, cool, a reference only the CHAT would know, anything you guys want, I'll be back to check every 15 minutes just to bump it or whatever, and the final decision will be made in about 3-4 hours, thank you, and remember to always
160 Replies
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@absolutezilch: The only reason I wouldn't want that, is that will detract from what I originally intended LV to mean, but good show nonetheless. Plus, that isn't really a title, per say.
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@LV_Wizard: I know; it's absolutely terrible. I say things like that to make other suggestions look good. Do you have enough bits to assign yourself a title though?
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@phonix321: I wouldn't consider myself a bucket so much as a hose, but I suppose there's a moment in everyone's life when they feel like they're the "bucket" and somebody else is a "hose"... Next title please.
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@absolutezilch: That would be cool, but I might have to change my avatar to Solaire to make that work (not that I am opposed to that in any way, whatsoever.)
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@Redblood801: @M4xwell I mean sure, but what kind of reference is that referencing, it sounds a little abstract, you know'
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@Pat_RedHawk: I think that can be shortened to "who loves dicks" but keep going, these are pretty good.
@LV_Wizard:Your referencing for the sake of referencing. If you like it just make it, and no one else should give a shit because we understand the reference. That's kind of the point of a reference, only people who are aware will make sense of it, anyone else fuck them.
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@LV_Wizard: Do you really have enough bits to assign yourself a title though? Cuz you need 50. xD
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@phonix321: It's not that completely, I just want people to understand it, besides, if the people want it, I will pick it, it just has to be general consensus.
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@absolutezilch: Did everyone get 50 bits today? I won them today, and started to see people with titles, so I checked the store, and it turns out I have 60 bits (50 more than I previously had)
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@LV_Wizard: I don't know; I have 4. xD
To be fair, I didn't join the experiment. i was AFRAID and now I have to pay the price.
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@SatisfiedShark: That isn't a title, but I will consider it (Dark Souls forever.)
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@absolutezilch:you can still join, Here, I'll send you 10 bits, and you can enter the experiment, I have 60 anyways.
SatisfiedShark 13 Gimlis
@LV_Wizard: Oh I didn't care about the title. I just saw the picture and was like "I know what I'm doing"
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@LV_Wizard: Oh dude, don't worry about it. I'm pretty sure I'd waste my title on something stupid like: |0|
That's the modulus of zero. Absolute zero. I'm so goddamn creative.
Also, I think the experiment is over; the link is not there for me anymore.
forcep BANNED
I went with senpai
- +1
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@absolutezilch: There's probably gonna be a new mode of gaining bits in the future, and |0| is pretty decent, in keeping in line with your username, which I think is a pretty good reason to have a title in the first place.
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@forcep: Yeah you did. Yours was the one that actually made me do this thread, just because it's such a good title, in tandem with the whole anime/manga avatar you got going there.
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@LV_Wizard: Yeaaaah but I burn through pseudonyms pretty quickly xD I guess having this username might make me keep this one for a while longer :p
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@absolutezilch:Yeah, I know what you mean, I just like to stick with one theme, and if I enter a community, I'll just choose whatever username I like, but I think a title is more meaningful to your identity, maybe im reading too much into it, but whatever, I think it's cool.
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@phonix321: Time to take a stand.
What am I some sort of toy?
Don't use me like this.
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@phonix321: Thanks for the kind word.
This could get quite annoying.
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
Can you make Haiku?
It's not difficult per se.
You just need patience.
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
Oh shit you are right
But this is pretty fun too
So hey, whatever.
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
I caught that last ha
You should be ashamed of it
Go and kill yourself.
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
Goddamnit I failed!
I flew too close to the sun
You win this round... bitch.
Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
@Chenzo: Also feel free and come up with a title for me because it's apparently something to do now and I'm too creatively inept.
Edit: Pwease?
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
It will be okay
Don't be too hard on yourself
There's always next time.
Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
@ADashofRainbow: I'm assuming that one's for me?
@LV_Wizard: Making some serious implications, but I appreciate the compliment.
@M4xwell: The second one would've been great like 7 months ago. Will think about it.
@absolutezilch: Dang you're right. Thanks for trying though.
Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
@LV_Wizard: That's true, but I'd rather have it all fit.
@phonix321: I don't think I understand the reference.
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@Chenzo: I wouldn't say it's too serious , but if you think it is, just change the adjective or noun; the quick, the strong, the killer,
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@LV_Wizard: That's true but can you live with yourself knowing you took that route?
@Chenzo: I blew my load on Downey Syndrome, but I'll bounce a few more off you :)
Ferrous Man
Your username is fun to play with. xD
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@LV_Wizard: Y'know, cutting letters out.
Man, your thread got 85 responses in about two hours. I'm jealous.
Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
@absolutezilch: I suppose so, but I don't think I get the last two. Unless something went over my head again in this thread.
absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@Chenzo: Yeap, they're bad. Don't settle. I thought "Ferrous Man" was a play on "Ironman" and your username goes well with 'endzone'.
Good luck! I'm sure you'll think of a good one. :)
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@absolutezilch: My old Dark Souls thread got 35 posts in 2 weeks, so this makes me a bit upset, but to be fair, this thread follows the golden rule of covering something new, and calling upon the opinions of the community, so I guess that's a big reason
Posting 20 times, and consistently bumping helps too ;)
Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
…you're right. I didn't even think about that. And thanks bruv, I'll probably sleep on it or something and see what happens.
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@Chenzo: dude, contributing to the community isn't something you should apologize for, I thought the posts that came about from it was cool, so no worries.
LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
Just be prepared for me to derail one of your threads with a distracting Dark Souls meme ;).
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