Huh. We couldn’t load that image.
Ya see this?
It isn't equivalent to this.
Huh. We couldn’t load that image.
Ya see this?
Huh. We couldn’t load that image.
You live in one of those places (inb4 LOL I DONT xD).
But I can guarantee you don't live in this one:
Huh. We couldn’t load that image.
To add to what I just said, look at this:
Huh. We couldn’t load that image.
Specifically, allow me to draw your attention to this:
Huh. We couldn’t load that image.
Note what language that phrase is written in.
Does it resemble this:
Huh. We couldn’t load that image.
I'll clue you in to why this is the case. See, this website doesn't use that, it uses this:
Huh. We couldn’t load that image.
Or at least one of its fifty fucking variations.
So allow me to stop strafing around the point and go in for the kill: YOU DON'T FUCKING SPEAK JAPANESE. STOP CALLING ATTACK ON TITAN SnK. Pleb weebs, I know that you're purist motherfuckers, but there's a point when this needs to stop. Why did you choose this of all animes to call by its Japanese name, considering IT HAS AN ENGLISH NAME THAT'S GOOD AND FINE!?
Even if you want to continue preserving your glorious xenophobic language that you don't actually speak, consider the confusion it causes. I know some of you are going to be dumb and not realize the significance of SNK- I haven't actually played a single game of theirs, so in a way I'm in the same boat as you- but they've made some pretty kick-ass fighters and did Contra better than Contra does Contra.
Huh. We couldn’t load that image.
Is that not some of the most gorgeous spritework you've ever seen? So, that said, SHOULDN'T THEY EARN THE RESPECT OF HAVING THEIR NAME TO THEMSELVES!? Whenever I see someone call Attack on Titan SnK, I immediately think of The King of Fighters and Metal Slug, not Reddit and opening themes. Oh, and for the record, SNK has some seriously great music, too:
Anyways. Let's look at a precedent for this kind of thing. Look at this:
Huh. We couldn’t load that image.
Officially the best-selling game of all time, fun as well Wii game, maybe you've heard of it? Attentive players will have noted that, strangely, the Nintendo GameCube was abbreviated "GCN." Pretty backwards- shouldn't that stand for "Gamecube Nintendo?" That's only something people who think the Wii U is just a Wii tablet would say. Here's the story of why they did this:
Huh. We couldn’t load that image.
See these puppies? They're Neo Geo Pocket Colors, Neo Geo being a now-discontinued series on consoles. They were popular in the early 90s and competed with the Genesis and SNES. Actually, considering they never got remotely mainstream, they were more on the same level as the TurboGrafX 16 and 3DO, but let's not get into specifics. They're mostly remembered for having some good games and being absurdly expensive now and then. A quick eBay search yields results averaging at least a few hundred bucks. The Pocket Color was the first handheld in the Neo Geo's lineage, and came out around the turn of the millennium. The Nintendo Gamecube came out a few short years after it. Like many consoles with overly long names (SNES, NES, 2600, GCN), it also goes by an abbreviation- NGC. Get it? The Nintendo GameCube couldn't take that abbreviation BECAUSE IT WAS ALREADY TAKEN.
Oh, and by chance, you wanna know what company made the Neo Geo line?
Huh. We couldn’t load that image.
YEP. They've already been subject to this kind of shit before; or, more accurately, it almost happened before.
The moral of this story is, SNK HAD THE NAME FIRST GODDAMMIT. Reddit, you and your shitty "jif" pronunciation can go fuck yourselves. SnK is already taken. Considering the fact that YOUR NATIVE LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH, THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO CALL THE PROGRAM BY ITS JAPANESE NAME, NOR AN ABBREVIATION OF ITS JAPANESE NAME. CALL IT ATTACK ON TITAN.
tl;dr (fuck all of you who can't read): SNK is a solid game company. Calling Attack on Titan SnK will lead to inevitable confusion. For the sake of preventing this, please don't call Attack on Titan "SnK." If you need persuasion, there's a fucking essay on it above. It's your fault you're too vegetablized to read it (or don't have the time).
128 Replies

redshankinvento BANNED
@Miser_Reborn: I'd say it's remotely relevant because people like it but you know

Based on what has been said, fine. Call if Shingeki no Kyojin, as long as you know how much of an elitist prick you sound like. But do the rest of the non-Reddit world a favor and find another abbreviation than "SnK." It's definitely going to cause confusion.

redshankinvento BANNED
@Miser_Reborn: here's a suggestion: shut the fuck up, if people get confused I'm sure to let them know I'm talking about the show

Redblood801 Chief Dingus
@Miser_Reborn: You demands fall upon deaf ears. No matter how much you bitch about, it's not gonna happen. It's like trying to tell David Cage that Game Overs in a video game are a good thing.

redshankinvento BANNED
@TheXRayFactor: I'm annoyed with him constantly saying it's a problem because people will get confused and telling me how to say it

@TheXRayFactor: Maybe a little bit. But instead of having a group of words that give a vague but descriptive sense of both the mood and primary antagonists, you get a bowl of alphabet soup that people probably pronounce wrong but never have to actually say aloud. Shinbone no Koi fish could mean bag of puppy ears in Japanese for all I know. If I hear Attack on Titan, from a marketing standpoint, I know I'm in for some shit.
And Spongey thats exactly who I had in mind when I talk about this shit. But, ya know, whatever.
Huh. We couldn’t load that image.

TheXRayFactor Based Deak
It could be only me, but when I think of "Attack on Titan", I think of someone trying to look cool after having read a bit about greek mythology, while, when I think of that alphabet soup that I won't even try to type correctly, the first thing that comes to mind is an old asian dude screaming those words while rushing with a katana on his hand.
At least for me, the second representation sounds way cooler than the first one.

To me Attack on Titan sounds a lot like its a big woop-de-doo lets fight the Titans for humanity, yay!. Really, the show is more a big woop-de-doo holy shit that horrifying fucker just ate half of humanity and cant die.

I think this is getting a little off-topic. From what I can tell, the two original arguments were that the abbreviation "SNK" is already taken, which is stupid because lots of things share abbreviations and 9/10 times the context will fix that; and that we should only use the English name because we speak English, which shows like YuruYuri, Naruto: Shippuden, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Nichijou, Watamote and many more prove is not a valid point.
Now its becoming a black and white battle of ultimate supremacy between the names. One name to rule them all and the other should forever be cast to the shadows.
No, they're both perfectly fine names to use. Pick one and use it, it doesn't matter unless you're an elitist fuck. The original point is not valid, Crunchyroll gives stupid English names to shows all the time and everyone ignores them. There are also English names that stick. In this case, they both are used. They're both valid names, unless you're an elitist who thinks themselves better because they aren't "weeaboos", or an elitist who thinks themselves better because they use the original name, it really shouldn't matter what name is used.

Replying to OP: Good point, but man! all this aggression is tiring. My generally policy is "Laissez-faire,"unless it causes immediate problems - especially with language. If it's fun for someone to imitate a language - especially without mocking - let 'em have their fun!
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