Ya see this?
It isn't equivalent to this.
Ya see this?
You live in one of those places (inb4 LOL I DONT xD).
But I can guarantee you don't live in this one:
To add to what I just said, look at this:
Specifically, allow me to draw your attention to this:
Note what language that phrase is written in.
Does it resemble this:
I'll clue you in to why this is the case. See, this website doesn't use that, it uses this:
Or at least one of its fifty fucking variations.
So allow me to stop strafing around the point and go in for the kill: YOU DON'T FUCKING SPEAK JAPANESE. STOP CALLING ATTACK ON TITAN SnK. Pleb weebs, I know that you're purist motherfuckers, but there's a point when this needs to stop. Why did you choose this of all animes to call by its Japanese name, considering IT HAS AN ENGLISH NAME THAT'S GOOD AND FINE!?
Even if you want to continue preserving your glorious xenophobic language that you don't actually speak, consider the confusion it causes. I know some of you are going to be dumb and not realize the significance of SNK- I haven't actually played a single game of theirs, so in a way I'm in the same boat as you- but they've made some pretty kick-ass fighters and did Contra better than Contra does Contra.
Is that not some of the most gorgeous spritework you've ever seen? So, that said, SHOULDN'T THEY EARN THE RESPECT OF HAVING THEIR NAME TO THEMSELVES!? Whenever I see someone call Attack on Titan SnK, I immediately think of The King of Fighters and Metal Slug, not Reddit and opening themes. Oh, and for the record, SNK has some seriously great music, too:
Anyways. Let's look at a precedent for this kind of thing. Look at this:
Officially the best-selling game of all time, fun as well Wii game, maybe you've heard of it? Attentive players will have noted that, strangely, the Nintendo GameCube was abbreviated "GCN." Pretty backwards- shouldn't that stand for "Gamecube Nintendo?" That's only something people who think the Wii U is just a Wii tablet would say. Here's the story of why they did this:
See these puppies? They're Neo Geo Pocket Colors, Neo Geo being a now-discontinued series on consoles. They were popular in the early 90s and competed with the Genesis and SNES. Actually, considering they never got remotely mainstream, they were more on the same level as the TurboGrafX 16 and 3DO, but let's not get into specifics. They're mostly remembered for having some good games and being absurdly expensive now and then. A quick eBay search yields results averaging at least a few hundred bucks. The Pocket Color was the first handheld in the Neo Geo's lineage, and came out around the turn of the millennium. The Nintendo Gamecube came out a few short years after it. Like many consoles with overly long names (SNES, NES, 2600, GCN), it also goes by an abbreviation- NGC. Get it? The Nintendo GameCube couldn't take that abbreviation BECAUSE IT WAS ALREADY TAKEN.
Oh, and by chance, you wanna know what company made the Neo Geo line?
YEP. They've already been subject to this kind of shit before; or, more accurately, it almost happened before.
The moral of this story is, SNK HAD THE NAME FIRST GODDAMMIT. Reddit, you and your shitty "jif" pronunciation can go fuck yourselves. SnK is already taken. Considering the fact that YOUR NATIVE LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH, THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO CALL THE PROGRAM BY ITS JAPANESE NAME, NOR AN ABBREVIATION OF ITS JAPANESE NAME. CALL IT ATTACK ON TITAN.
tl;dr (fuck all of you who can't read): SNK is a solid game company. Calling Attack on Titan SnK will lead to inevitable confusion. For the sake of preventing this, please don't call Attack on Titan "SnK." If you need persuasion, there's a fucking essay on it above. It's your fault you're too vegetablized to read it (or don't have the time).
128 Replies

Imagine that instead of a failed image embed, the fourth image was a map of Japan.

forcep BANNED

forcep BANNED
I'll call it whatever I want, go fuck yourself

@forcep: Oh, I get it. So you're telling me the abbreviation stands for "Shitposters, no Kanji"?

Aaaaaaaand I just noticed my thumbnail got fucked up. Note to self: videos override pictures.

@forcep: Oh, how I value your continued abilities to consider constructive criticism and respond appropriately and non-dismissively to argument.

Deleted User
Replying to OP:I fucking hate when people refer to things by their Japanese name. What language are we speaking? Not Japanese? THEN SPEAK FUCKING ENGLISH. If someone in Japan was talking about an American show with a generic name such as "The Legend of Korra" I would expect "the" "legend" "of" to be prenounced in Japanese, I wouldn't expect them to be speaking Japanese but be such a nerd and American otaku to refer to it only by its english name but then watch the show under Japanese context.

SpongeyGString Akari~n!
Oh, and there's plenty of reason to call it by its actual name. Same reason I write "Dishonored" without a "u" and misspell "theatre" in "Battleblock Theater". I call things by their actual names given to them by whoever made them.

TheXRayFactor Based Deak
now if only you had written the opening post with extensive usage of meme arrows...

@SpongeyGString: Really? You call it "Gyautaken Saiban?" You call it "Batoru Rowaiaru"? You call it "Schichinin no Samurai?"
...That's all the examples I could come up with. AT LEAST IT'S STILL A VALID POINT.
(Speaking of valid points, at least you're the one arguing this; not Thomas.)

@TheXRayFactor: I should probably work on dialing back on that a bit. Though I still hold that they can be used effectively; they just get overused effectively.

@TheXRayFactor: If only you'd written your post with extensive amounts of pretenti- never mind.

TheXRayFactor Based Deak
Now that I took my time to read it, I would like to point something out:
So that means I'm allowed to call it by its japanese name, right? Sweeeeet.

It annoys the fuck out of me. When I think I'm about to be able to finally talk about SNK with someone for once, it turns out they're talking about Attack on Titan, and I'm disappointed beyond all fuck.

SpongeyGString Akari~n!
@Miser_Reborn: If I had watched those, I would. I do, however, say "Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukanai"/Haganai rather than "I don't have many friends" and "Kore ha Zombie desu ka?" rather than "Is this a Zombie?".

I see it called Shingeki no Kyojin more than Attack on Titan, so I'll call it Shingeki no Kyojin. It is the same reason I refer to Watemote as "Watamote" instead of the original "Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!" or the English translation "No Matter How I Look At It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!", its what its commonly known as. Also, I'll call the Pokémon characters "Ash", "Brock" and "Misty" instead of "Satoshi", "Takeshi" and "Kasumi".
TL;DR, I use the term I see used most, which in my case is Shingeki no Kyojin.
(PS, its SnK, not SNK, that's how you tell the difference. Its like the PS1, PSX and PSone, people may interchange them but they all refer to specific things.)

@JohnStephen:Yeah, but when you're in a Skype call you can't differentiate when someone says "Wanna talk about SNK?" or "Wanna talk about SnK?"

@TheXRayFactor: Made an assumption. It applies to 99.9% of CHAT, and the rest (you) is smart enough to figure out what I meant, right? Sweeeeeeeet.
Probs shouldn't have made said assumption, but I figured the thing was long enough.
Out of curiosity, what is your native language?

That is why in speech you're meant to use the full word, abbreviations are for written word.

@JohnStephen: That same popularity-based mentality is the reason Call of Duty gets praised.

@NotEgoraptor: Thank you. Also, I apologize for knowing nothing about that company beyond "they made SNK vs. CAPCOM."

Once again, you used the more commonly used one. You'd say "Be right back" instead of "Bee Are Bee", you'd say "MGM" instead of "Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer". See my point? Its different from the "popularity-based mentality" that makes Call of Duty sell.

@JohnStephen: As a number of people could tell you I say "Be Arby" all the time in speech. Having two things called Ess En Kay does, has, and will lead to confusion; admit it.

@JohnStephen: It's a random compliment thrown into an argument he himself was partaking in. It qualifies. More importantly, it was a joke.

If you say "Be Are Bee" you're part of the problem. Having two things called SnK will not cause confusion unless someone just pulls a gun on you and asks you to discuss "Ess En Kay".
Here's how a normal conversation would go:
Example 1
PersonA: "Do you watch/read SnK?"
- Talking about Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan/Advancing Giants, whatever you want to call it.
Example 2
Person A: "Do you like SNK's games?"
- Talking about SNK Playmore.
Example 3
Person A: "Do you like SNK?"
- Woah, a problem! How will this possibly be solved? Murder him? Eat his flesh? Consume his brains to see what he's thinking of?
Person B: "Do you mean Shingeki no Kyojin or SNK Playmore?"
- WOAH! Did you see that? Looks like there's no need for murder after all!
- +1

@JohnStephen: Or:
Person A: "I'm a fan of SNK."
Person B: "Oh, yeah! Fatal Fury's such a good franchise!"
Person C: "The King of Fighters is even better!"
Person A: "I was talking about Attack on Titan."
Person A: "I really enjoy AoT."
Person B: "Shut the fuck up you fucking Redditorial faggot."
My solution is literally even easier than yours. Also, Shingenki no Kyojin is less popular than Attack on Titan, and it's less mainstream. It can cause confusion even without the existence of SNK:
Person A: "Hey, have you watched Shingenki no Kyojin?"
Person B: "Oh my god you weaboo fuck, go use your chest to hold katanas."
Person A: "Have you seen Attack on Titan?"
Person B: "Sure! It's a great show!"

I assume you don't watch Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin. Therefore I'm willing to bet you don't talk to many people about it. Maybe that's why you don't realise its more common among the fans of the show to say "Shingeki no Kyojin" instead of "Attack on Titan". If I'm discussing it with someone who calls it Attack on Titan, I'll call it that. But most of the time that's not the case.

@JohnStephen: Is it? Fine. I stand (err, sit) corrected. Either way, among human beings in general, Attack on Titan is much more common. If you suggest the show to a newcomer, are you going to recommend a string of oriental-sounding phonemes or Attack on Titan?

I'm going to say Attack on Titan. Because that's what they'll know it as. But for the most part, I'm going to call it Shingeki no Kyojin.

@JohnStephen: What you're telling me is you'll switch to a more confusing name exclusively around people who it will be less likely to confuse just so you can sound politically correct?

Well if there is a person that can't understand Japanese, then I don't want to be friends with them, let alone have a conversation about what shows I like with them.

Think of it like this, when a doctor speaks with a patient, does he use all medical terms or does he use layman terms? Then when talking to another doctor he used the medical terms. When a web designer talks to a customer he'll use basic terms, then if he was talking to fellow web designer he'd use technical terms. So, when I talk to another anime fan I'll use the terms, but when talking to a "normal person" I'll use accessible terms. I'll use accessible terms and die inside.
- +1

Replying to OP:
I thought you told me your favourite game was Gyakuten Saiban Yomigaeru Gyakuten

forcep BANNED
fuck you stingy

god dammit. I was just messing around, but this one actually proves your point. I have no idea what you are referring to and a google search provides no answers.

Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
So I just skimmed the thread, but I'll go ahead and post my opinion anyways. I usually just call it whatever's shorter/easier to say, especially if the English name is longer.
For example:
-I call Yūsha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shūshoku o Ketsui Shimashita, or I Couldn’t Become a Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job "Yu-Sibu/Yusibu".
-Using John's example, I also Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!, or No Matter How I Look At It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular! "Watamote".
Whatever is easier to say, that's what I call it. I don't have the time/patience to sit there and try to sound out pronunciations that are foreign to me or say an English name that's a paragraph long.
tl;dr - just do what you do and don't be dicks about it.

Preach it sister, fuck all that weaboo shit.
Ask me I think its caught on solely because of its popularity. So the true fans can have some kind of secret handshake to differentiate the plebs from the super-kawaii fans. Per exemplus:
"So do you watch Attack on Titan?"
"Oh do you mean Shamalama No Kilimanjaro?"
Then I turn 360 degrees and walk away.

But by shunning "Shingeki no Kyojin" and calling people who use it weeaboos in favour of "Attack on Titan", aren't you doing the same?

redshankinvento BANNED
@simsoy: There's nothing wrong with referring to a show with it's original language

redshankinvento BANNED
@Miser_Reborn: Yeah, I'm gonna say Shingeki no Kyojin. There's literally no problem with saying that.

redshankinvento BANNED
@LaughingMan9: That's retarded, just because me or another fan would call it Shingeki no Kyojin it doesn't mean that we'll break off bonds to people who call it Attack on Titan. People can say it however they want. It's not for me or the OP to decide how to say it.

@Chenzo: This. I don't call Attack on Titan 'Shingeki no Kyojin' because it's shorter and sounds better to me. I also don't call Naruto: Shippuden 'Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles' for the same reasons.

redshankinvento BANNED
I'm willing to bet that more people will be confused if you're referring to SnK now as the company instead of the anime

@JohnStephen: There's a difference between shunning a name for bad reason and shunning a Redditor for a good one.

deadshadow foking furry
@Miser_Reborn: not really it lead to less dumb crap to care about if people wanna call a show something that i could possibly translate to then fine let them do what they fucking want

redshankinvento BANNED
@Miser_Reborn: How can someone who hasn't watched it know? It's fucking awesome

redshankinvento BANNED
@Miser_Reborn: It's a retarded reason to start going off on a tangent telling people what to call a show they like

I think some tongue-in-cheek is getting lost in translation here. Yea sure call it whatever the hell you want but I'll call it like I see it: its subtle, if maybe unintentional, anime snobbery. Dare I say hipster-esque behavior. And we all hate on hipsters, don't we.

redshankinvento BANNED
@Miser_Reborn: The place I live in doesn't make saying Shingeki no Kyojin a problem

redshankinvento BANNED
@LaughingMan9: I like saying SnK more than AoT, same as Shippuden like MLP_JoshF mentioned

Are you calling the people who use "Shingeki no Kyojin" Redditors? I think I've used that site a total of 2 times in my life besides the links my friend sends me, and he uses Reddit a lot and calls it "Attack on Titan".
I don't say it to be an elitist prick, I say it because its what its what I see it called most. If someone walks up to me and says "Do you like Attack on Titan?", I'm going to use the term "Attack on Titan". If someone uses the term "Shingeki no Kyojin" then I'll use that. If I'm the one who brings it up, I'll use "Shingeki no Kyojin". Mainly because I mainly bring it up in circles that would use "SnK" over "AoT".

Why? Because I like arguing over meaningless shit, and Stingy is providing a great medium to do so.

@JohnStephen: Alright then here's a question for you: I'm completely ignorant of this debate, I watch some anime on Netflix once in a while and maybe saw a couple episodes of the show on CrunchyRoll. I can't think of the title of a show that has giant naked people smashing 16th century German architecture. What do you say to me?

SpongeyGString Akari~n!
@LaughingMan9: If you watched it on CrunchyRoll I'd say "Attack on Titan" because that's what it's listed as. If you were to ask me about it, however, I'd say Shingeki no Kyojin because that's what I know it as. Same as I'll say "Ninchijou", even though CrunchyRoll has it listed as "My Ordinary Life".

redshankinvento BANNED
@LaughingMan9: You didn't aske me, but I'd say Shingeki no Kyojin, but if there was another person who said Attack on Titan, I wouldn't start being angry or whatever because they didn't use the japanese version of the name. Also that's a pretty funny description of the show

TheXRayFactor Based Deak
The thing is, for a show that is supposed to be "omg so epic wow", Shingeki no Kyojin sounds way more menacing then Attack on Titan. I mean, Attack on Titan sounds really dull.
Now, of course, that's mostly because we are talking about a name in another language that most, if not all of us here, doesn't speak. If we were talking about a title in Spanish, it would probably lose its effectiveness.

SpongeyGString Akari~n!
I do, however, hate it when people like Dylon call out others and claim to be better/bigger fans of the show simply because they say "Shingeki no Kyojin" rather than "Attack on Titan". Shit like that really pisses me off.

@JohnStephen: Again, tongue-in-cheek is being lost. Reddit is known for being the primary reason Attack on Titan is even remotely relevant.
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