I'm reading a lot already but I wanted to know what the ib people read
37 Replies

I've been sick the last 2 days so I've powered through most of Shingeki no Kyojin. I just have a few chapters left. Also reading Bakuman. Its pretty good so far.

It starts out amazing but then just ... it might have something to do with the author dying tho.

There's one I saw that was called loz : the edge and the light, and it mixed some form of poem with manga style and it seemed interesting. If I remember correctly it was a fan made thing tho.

I finished Attack On Titan Volume 1, am reading Naruto, and am about to start reading Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

deadshadow foking furry
@KingJemnas: the ones i have are based off a link to the past and minish cap

Parks Ass To Ass
I read the Buu Saga of DBZ a couple months back. And my library has a lot of FMA so when they get the first couple volumes of it i'll probably start reading it.

I'm actually tempted to read the Phoenix Wright manga, considering it allegedly fixes the problems with the worst prosecutor in the series. Still no way Franziska von Karma's going to be topping Godot or Edgeworth or even Blackquill or Klavier any time soon. Still, I'm willing to enjoy the series even more than I do.

Haven't read db stuff from so long ago, I remember going to the library for that and gto

I read part of akira in some random library, so I don't know much about it except that everyone loves it. Battle royale tho... the manga is soooooo much better than the movie and it gets u really invested.

Did not know there was a manga for that, I might give it a try if I find it, since I really like the characters in the game(never played any)

Parks Ass To Ass
@KingJemnas: Did your post get cut off? My Library has the "Viz Big" Editions of it which are chapters collected into bigger volumes.

Nope that was it. Gto as in great teacher onizuka. I read all my manga illegally lol.

Makes sense, the amount of manga I read is off the charts and I read some obscure stuff.
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