I have made a Social Club for CHAT called the Red Claw Dragons. Feel free to join if you'd like.
247 Replies
forcep BANNED
it'd be great if launching session actually launched the session
MrFozzilla the Inactive
Currently updating. Don't think I have anyone here on my XBL friends list. My gamertag is MrFozzilla, in case anyone wants to send a request.
forcep BANNED
this shit is impossible to join
I'm trying to make sure that all requests to join get an invite, but the R* site is pretty sketchy lately.
@cannonofdoom: If someone makes a better one, then I'll make it the official one.
@italianbadger: Apparently Mike name-dropped it on IB101, and that's why I got that random influx of 15 or so join requests.
@CyroWolf: Well obviously 50 people aren't active on here lol. RED CLAW DRAGON$ 4 LYFE...I actually don't know what this will do for online. Do we actually roll as a crew?
cannonofdoom Superannuate
You have an option to join crew that are online, so whenever you start an online game just select that option and you'll be rolling with your homies.
Redblood801 Chief Dingus
@italianbadger: Well I don't think the crew has enough money to afford any actual vehicles. Luckily, these fine folks sold me this car.
We just got to paint it and all of us can fit in it. We're gonna be so fucking pimp.
I made an emblem! I'll post it to the crew if you guys like it.
- y
7 - n
Poll has been closed.
@Chenzo: So did the race. Lost because I fell onto the highway. Now I'm at a fuzzy screen.
@cannonofdoom: I actually got connected after reentering. I just don't wanna play alone and I still have the story to beat...
KorporalKitty PAM
I took ages making some one then when I went in game I was just a bald guy in a white shirt with red ear protectors/noiseblockers on.
Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
@Chenzo: So it's more than likely that I'll be playing with IRL friends this Friday, assuming it'll even work. But hopefully I'll be able to roll wit ya guyz soon.
Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
@CyroWolf: They're a bunch of bandwagon hoppers.
I finally listened to the latest episode today, so that's why I'm bringing it up again.
Shannon Queen
@FlygonNick: welp! i have ps3 but i have GTA 4. because i figured no one i know has ps3 so no point in getting a new game
Shannon Queen
@MrFozzilla: i dont have a 360. long story short my dad listened to my brother who claimed ps3 was best console. when in reality, since i'm the only one who uses it, he should have come to me.
forcep BANNED
got to play with mike
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