SatisfiedShark13 Gimlis
I just want to say this first, I don't do any clopping, and I am not a furry. I am just your average Brony. However, I just want to say this, even if you don't like the people that are furrys and do all that other stuff remember this: Bronys face the same disgust from others for being Bronys. We watch a show that is about acceptance, caring, and friendship even if you only watch it for the writing. We should not turn our heads in disgust at these people, we should welcome them with open hearts! We once were, and still are, looked down upon by some! Let us be the bigger people and not judge those who have different interests! Let us lead a revolution of understanding towards those that choose to be Furrys and Cloppers! Let us welcome all those who have interests that make others ridicule them! Let us stand up for all of them and help them be understood! Let us accept them.
- 1 Cool
100 Replies

SatisfiedShark 13 Gimlis
Will anyone support me? Will anyone make a stand? Are any of you brave enough to support justice?

SatisfiedShark 13 Gimlis
@aldude3: Alright then, let me shorten it for you. Why should we ridicule Furrys, cloppers and everyother misunderstood group when we to are ridiculed?

@SatisfiedShark: I don't discriminate, I put all three of those groups in one weird category.

TenaciousTuttle 6/10 Art Guy
It doesn't work either way. Here's "IMG" in brackets, the URL from imgur, then a bracket, /IMG, and another bracket:

SatisfiedShark 13 Gimlis
@JiffyLoob: I'm sorry my good man but I'm afraid I am not a bundle of sticks.

Personally I just don't care what people do in there free time and I also think people should be able to jerk off to what makes there wee wee happy

SatisfiedShark 13 Gimlis
@Tereall: That's my exact point. I don't want to be banned but dammit, Mike is insensitive and hypocritical. But I guess that's common knowledge.

Phoenix_Orcinus Orca King
Here here, just try to keep it in the box under your bed or the secret favourites folder for those who have gone....paperless

SatisfiedShark 13 Gimlis
@JiffyLoob:True, but just being pissed and replying with a string of curses and profanities is rather... immature. Also, if you were to look up the word "faggot" in Webster's Dictionary, you would find that a bundle of sticks is the actual definition.

Phoenix_Orcinus Orca King
@TenaciousTuttle: Hear Here, ill use my heres hear any way i please while I'm hear

Phoenix_Orcinus Orca King
Well it used to have a point but that got sanded down to a nub rather quickly

M4xwell Insanitarium
Everyone has a fetish, let them be. If it gets overboard, the least you can do it help them out to the 'other' paths.

Mate, I've thought this since day one. Glad to see someone else knows not to be such a cunt to other bronies.

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED
This was a bad idea. This is a bad site.
- yes
2 - yeah
2 - yes
Poll has been closed.

Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
Apparently I can still post pictures good and I was just overreacting to nothing.

SpongeyGString Akari~n!
I can't.
Edit: I should probably justify this. For the outsider looking in,Bronies are a weird, disgusting and confusing bunch. Why is this? It's because the most outspoken and noticeable ones are the ones who do stupid things (meaning anything from making suggestive art to full blown bestiality. I'm sure football fans get annoyed when they are assumed to be loud, arrogant and violent simply because a small proportion of them are, those few being the most noticeable ones. Then there is also the fact that for the majority of ponies, when you search their name on google it will come up with "x R34" as a suggested search, regardless of whether safesearch is on or not. How many young kids will have clicked on that, not knowing better?
tl;dr I hate that non-bronies assume that I am clopper because I enjoy the show.

SpongeyGString Akari~n!
@M4xwell: I can't do that either.
I should point out that I can put up with knowing that someone does it, I only have a problem if they try to discuss it with me or send me pictures.

M4xwell Insanitarium
@SpongeyGString: Then why listen to everyone else? Why listen to the social norm of others and the interwebs? Because you want to be 'OK' in others eyes? Bullshit. You do things for the sake of yourself loving it. If you enjoy something that IS NOT harming others/yourself, then do it. If someone does not like the things you do, then don't listen to them or change their perspective of the problem, no matter the outcome.
e.g: Homosexuals. PEOPLE hate them for the sake of being gays: proposing that they have nasty sex, not in god's ways, doesn't help population, etc. BUT, should they care for what others say? NO. Because they are 'other's, not 'you'. Those people will accept being gay and show it however they want (on law).
tl;dr don't care what others say, if you like it, do it with pride and stride.

SpongeyGString Akari~n!
@M4xwell: But you are harming others (though not directly, it's in much the same way that a single car isn't causing global warming, it's due to how many of them there are). "for the majority of ponies, when you search their name on google it will come up with "x R34" as a suggested search" I can't imagine how freaked out/disturbed I would be seeing those kinds of things as a young child.

Replying to OP: None of us actually care about it, not even Mike, I don't think. There are people who are genuinely dumb and hate others for whatever fetish they happen to have, but you should realize that the only reason some people like Mike act that way is because it's fun and silly. He'll never admit that, of course.

Replying to OP: I'm sorry man, I just can't accept some people. I mean, just look at this shit:
I can accept you if you clop occasionally, as long as it's never brought up or talked about, but there is no way I'd accept this guy.

Deleted User
Replying to OP:
i agree with you. always have

SatisfiedShark 13 Gimlis
@MLP_JoshF:That is fucking terrifying. But what I'm talking about is the Internet exclusive ones. Not the freaky irl beastiality. But Jesus Chris I can't get that mental image out of my head. Why'd he have to be shouting "Rainbow Dash"? Why!?

SatisfiedShark 13 Gimlis
@MLP_JoshF:I'm not really creeped out by this one. I actually find it pretty sad. This guy is all by himself and he just does this. I feel bad for him.

deadshadow foking furry
@SatisfiedShark: bestiality is weird shit it's not clop at all thats mental sickness

I don't condemn furries and cloppers, but I'm not going to embrace them. Do what makes you happy, just don't shove it in my face.
Also, @TenaciousTuttle:, that may be the greatest Gif I've ever seen. Shoutout to Hades.

Shannon Queen
I don't care what anyone does as far as their sexual orientation or fetishes are. As long as they aren't an asshole, and don't hurt other people.

My_nama_Jeff Oil
Furries are understandable, being a furry is just social culture and interests for some people, watch this video that explains why furries are furries because it shows that not all furries are bestiality loving fucks. The most interesting part for me is at 7:33 is how little furries are actually into anthropomorphic (Human-like animals/creatures, like Sonic, Lopuny, Lola bunny, ect) creatures more than humans, worth a look for furry haters.

My_nama_Jeff Oil
@forecep42: In some cases (like furries), yes, however other things like cloppers aren't defend-able at all.

absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@oilfire30: Man, who is to say what's acceptable and what's not. In my view, the only legitimate argument against bestiality is consent, which in the case of the animal is, if not impossible, very difficult to attain. Besides that, you and I are not in a position to argue whether something is valid or 'natural' or not. It's kind of bigoted to disallow or invalidate something that we have no perspective on.

My_nama_Jeff Oil
@absolutezilch: That is a good point, however everything on this thread (with the exception of some factual evidence) is just an opinion. My personal opinion is that we don't have the right to judge something unless we are able to see why it happens at every angle. So my comment against cloppers is irreverent.
However I still do have an opinion just like everyone else, I am nor a furry or clopper, however I will listen to the reasoning of a furry on why they as a person are a furry and to an extent even explore their culture, and maybe in the future I will do the same with cloppers (without looking at clop) once I have a brief understanding on why cloppers like clop more than just "they like MLP characters in a sexual way".

This thread should not have occurred. In a perfect world, furries and cloppers wouldn't exist. There you go.

Parks Ass To Ass
@mrbutthole: Along with blacks, asians, whites, Jews, middle easterners, Liberals, and Pagans. There you go.

Parks Ass To Ass
@oilfire30: If we look at Cecil the Lion as an example, if anyone kills an Animal they're gonna be hunted down. But if you kill a human...

absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@Parks: I thought what you meant was let's cast aside our classifications and just be people.
That was a gay perception I guess but a much needed one in the world today?

Parks Ass To Ass
@absolutezilch: I'm happy that Target sells "clothes" now. Hopefully there's going to be more room in the stores now that they don't have to group clothing in multiple sections.

absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@Parks: I only heard about that story because of that guy who tried to impersonate a Target customer service agent and trolled people with rather bigoted opinions on Facebook. Big props to that dude; those responses were really funny.

Parks Ass To Ass
@absolutezilch: I've found out how easy it is to upset Christians since Gay Marriage was Legalized, it's always funny.
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