38 Replies
Will do.
What is in it for me?
Who are you?
The satisfaction of making Nycole mad. ;)
@ReservoirDog: Chad. Uhh, maybe you know my online name SabakuNoChad?
@chad:Who's Nycole and also we share the same first name.
@chad: I have no quarrel with her. Why would I want to make another human upset. I am not like that.
@aldude3:Jesus, lighten up.
Also who's Nycole? And why would you spell Nycole with a y? Is she black?
@phonix321: Don't you ever tell me how to live my life again.
@ReservoirDog:She's Nycole the racist so I doubt she's black.
@phonix321: Black people can also be racist. I get very upset when I'm called a cracker.
@chad: I see.
@aldude3:I wasn't talking to you I was talking to Jesus.
@aldude3: Would you do it to make Mike laugh?
@phonix321: Aw shit, I am sorry to disrespect the J-man.
@chad: Lolno.
@chad:Would you?
Replying to OP: Done
Parks Ass To Ass
Replying to OP: Holy Shit! You're that guy that got to Inheritor in Reach!
@Parks: He's also like Chad, I'm surprised most people don't know about him, he's in like half of the community videos.
@Parks: I mean, there are a lot of Inheritors in Reach, but yes. I am one of 'em, lol.
@chad:Post more! Us Chads have to stick together.
@phonix321:You mean here? Cause if you mean Community Vids, I've posted 75. ;)
@chad: He more than likely means here.
@chad:Yes here I was aware of you because of the Mikescast.
@phonix321:Which one? The yugioh one? Or the dating sim one?
@chad:Yu gi oh.
@phonix321:Oh man, got my ass handed to me thar.
@chad:Made me practice.
Deleted User
I can't believe something I tweeted to @chad: ended up as a thing.