All of my posts got removed by the OVERLORD.
229 Replies

SatisfiedShark 13 Gimlis
@VoodooSoup: I'm gonna tell it true: as soon as I saw this I thought "Who's the douche with the feather?" Then I saw my name.

I missed this, balls. I got my caricature at the fair and it sucked so bad I threw it out.

M4xwell Insanitarium
[insert joke that would most like get a C- from your standards, but to a random mate such as I, would get a slight chuckle following a slight nod then a straight face and finally scrolling either up of down.]

That's it, mate, you have 17 minutes until I unleash a fury upon you the likes of which has never been conceived upon this Earth.

@M4xwell: I'll let you in on the secret of what I had planned.
...Carlos McWhiggin threads.

I was not aware I had witch boots; nor that money did not constantly surround me, destined to never be spent. I was also unaware that I was not stuck in a space of perpetual orange. This is one of the most miserable excuses for artwork I've seen grace this website. Overall: 7.5/10.
(thanks though i josh)

Phoenix_Orcinus Orca King
You could do a number of thing after lock:
A)Unlock and post again
II)Make a new thread
Just making a few suggestions~
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