He's an asshole, he's ruined the "HOW TO EMBED YOUTUBE VIDEOS IN CHAT" thread, we're pretty sure he's Hitler reincarnated, he's full of shit. I could go on but his actions pretty much speak for themselves, don't they?
- -1 Lame
106 Replies
risaxis BANNED
why are there 101 posts just for this.
@risaxis: Because you kept replying with a useless excuse and we had to explain why that excuse is useless.
@M4xwell: Well, I'm pretty sure the people who's computers were crashing because they went to a thread that he spammed give a fuck.
I tell you what. I'm done. I've said what I need to say. I'll lock the thread. Fact still stands though, the guys an asshole and needs to be banned.
Topic has been locked.
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