Hi ya'll. It's been awhile since I've posted, but the real world has been calling upon me.
ANYWAY, Cyrowolf and I had talked about creating a league with you guys awhile back. (All 6 of you who actually watch sports)
Who is interested and what day would be good for a draft?
It'd be fun with a skype call for sure!
281 Replies

Parks Ass To Ass
I'm playing it this year and i'm not a fan of Fantasy Sports at all. Maybe actually playing it will change my opinion.

@Parks: It will suck the life out of you, but it is a lot of fun.
I feel like I pay a lot more attention to the NFL in general though then I ever did before I played, which is a positive!

@JohnStephen: That...that would be interesting to try out. My interest is peaked and I'm doing a little bit of research.

Hell, the Premier League is one big Fantasy Football. Look at all the buying and selling of players that goes on, especially right now with the all the stuff about Shrek and Donkey Rooney and Suarez.

@JohnStephen: Well I mean...every league has about 3 teams that are good and the rest just shouldn't even try. Let's be honest. I don't watch Premier League, and barely pay enough attention to Serie A...which I feel terrible about, but only so many things you can pay attention to when school starts.

@italianbadger: i love football...ive just never gotten into fantasy football. i can talk to you bout football and all that jazz but ive never understood fantasy sports

forcep BANNED
Sure why not

Shannon Queen
The only thing I know about Football is:
- My Brother says I should root for Green Bay. So Go PACKERS!
- I like the Dolphins because of the Dolphin with a helmet.
- And my sister and her boyfriend say I should like New England. GO Patriots! :)

forcep BANNED
Friday would be good, I'm out of town saturday and sunday

I'm pretty damn good at fantasy for aussie rules football, so I wouldn't mind trying my hand at another sport. I've played enough madden to know some nfl basics...

Shannon Queen
Is there someone willing to teach me football?
Also Fantasy football? even if I'm not a part of this, I'm still curious.
My favourite type of bar is a pub or sports bar. Wouldn't mind getting into heated conversations with guys older than me about sports. :P

Replying to OP: This actually came back in mind a couple days ago. When are we going to do this? I don't start college till the 20th, and even then I'm only going to be there for 2 days a week so I'll be free a decent bit.

Fuck yes. This sounds like a great idea, whenever you guys want to start it let me know. Oh and since italianbadger didn't call it, I want Russel Wilson.

cannonofdoom Superannuate
I can teach you all about football. It's the best sport in the world!

@1: I don't think too many teams, since doing a simple snake format would suck ass with a lot of teams. I don't expect more then 10 teams honestly.
As far as days go, we need to do this BEFORE preseason ends. So for me, as long as it is late enough in the night, I can participate.
I'm going to give a rough estimate right now of 6?
Shannon you will learn a lot about football if you do this, however, I would do a bit of homework concerning players and stuff. Also, when I get on skype I can give you some basics of doing a draft correctly lol.
BigPaul: You should really try it out! This isn't for money, and it would be good to try it out and see if you enjoy it or not.
Chenzo can I assume you're in? You better after LOLing Aaron Rodgers...
I prefer ESPN, but which draft site: Yahoo, ESPN, or NFL? Unless anyone knows better sites

@italianbadger: Don't give out helpful hints we need a noob who auto-drafts and picks up the injured players, and someone we can trade rape later in the season...
On league size, my favourite size is 8.

M4xwell Insanitarium
Fantasy football? I'm up for it. For the past few years, I've being doing alright (10-6, 12-4, 9-7), so I can help a bit with y'all.

SpongeyGString Akari~n!
Sports are for nerds.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and play DnD with the cool kids.

I know almost absolutely nothing about sports, and I know especially little about football.
...Count me in.

@italianbadger: NFL.com I have found to work the best. But that's just me. I've done at least one league on each of those 3.

I know a bit about fantasy through osmosis. My asshole friends don't shut the fuck up about it for 6 months and then is basketball season. Only problem is I don't have time for keeping up with it.

UGH Matt, can I make you kind of in charge of watching this forum. I'm working almost 12 hrs a day and I feel bad that I'm not answering everyone right away.
So we've got 9 teams it looks like?

I'd join in, but I know shit all about Fantasy Football, or American Football in general.

Invite friends by emailing the following URL and league information directly to your friends:
Join Here: http://fantasy.nfl.com/registration/privateleaguejoin?leagueId=1765918
League ID: 1765918
League Password: internetbox
Just did this, points, draft day, and rules will change

@cannonofdoom: Seriously? Welp...worst case is I start a new league and email the current one the new group
EDIT: Naw bro, I can change it I'm pretty sure

@Adam: Just go to the stuff I posted earlier that links to the league. If people want to get in and there isn't room we can have more teams. Turn it into two divisions or something.

@italianbadger: 1 pt per 20 yards thrown, 6 pts per passing TD, 4 pts for 40-49yd field goal. Outside of that, it looks fine. I'll compare it to my last league's point system and see about defense.

forcep BANNED
Red Team, also is this nonppr

@CyroWolf: No. We don't have 10 teams yet either to fill it up. If we've got foreigners we have to work on a good time for them as well! Let's lean towards a weekend night or something.

forcep BANNED
@italianbadger:thursday and friday are good, I'm out of town saturday and sunday, I have work tuesday and wednesday, though I'll be home most of the day

@italianbadger: Well I only have classes pretty much all of Tuesday and then Thursday mornings, so I'm open anything other than that until further notice.

M4xwell Insanitarium
@forcep: ...well then.
EDIT: Just saw who I was against first.... AW SHIII NIQQA NAHWHWHWH
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