So I start school in about a week, and I'm gonna have to get up a lot earlier, so I was wondering what you guys do to help you fall asleep or sleep better.
22 Replies
forcep BANNED
milk, the fat is filling so you won't become hungry
i usually lay down in my bed, with the lights off of not a complete sleep noob. then i usually close my eyes and then usually fall asleep. if that doesn't work, perform what i like to call a preemptive strike. which refers to beating it at night instead of in the morning. essentially your destroying the whole morning wood in the equation. hence the term preemptive strike. it also makes you sleepy.
You should've recorded the most boring class you have and play it when trying to sleep
but since you don't have that ready, perhaps this will do it for you
(the speaking tone is very important and don't play it too loud)
Shannon Queen
if i need to get up early, i take melatonin sleeping pills. otherwise i just lay in bed and wait for sleep
You should leave your curtains or whatever open so that the sunlight can get to your eyes and wake you up
me, if i want to force myself to sleep, i smoke some weed, then lay in my bed and watch a movie or listen to music or a podcast. if you dont want to use drugs, just lay on ur bed while listening to somthing. i find white noice help you sleep better
My dad used to play music very softly so that he'd need to stay really still to concentrate on it. He said that worked for him.
Parks Ass To Ass
I usually play music or podcast's at very low volume before I fall asleep, also leaving your curtain open is a very good tip for waking up.
AwYeah @super_legit
Not for full sleep, but if you need quick energy, drink a cup of coffee right before you nap for 15 min. You'll be waking up just as the caffeine begins to take effect. Works better than a 45 minute nap on its own.
Getting your sleeping schedule in order is probably a good idea, better than just trying to knock yourself out each night(barring anything medical I guess). Finding out how long you sleep naturally would help. Bright lights before bed confuse the brain into thinking it's day, so dim lights a half hour before bed could help you go to sleep.
deadshadow foking furry
a good idea is to set an alarm and get up at that time all the time your brain will eventually wake up at that time normally
Accept that a full nights sleep is for the weak and simply learn to function on 4 hours or less.
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