Holy fuck I just had Jersey Mike's and that shit was so cash! I was wondering if anybody else has tried it.
36 Replies
There's one like 20 minutes from me were my dad works. He says it's just like any other place that sells subs. I want to try it, just to say that I've tried it.
Tough justifying driving 20 minutes down to Illinois for a fast food sub though :/
SpongeyGString Akari~n!
@aWSOMN360: It doesn't get much better than Subway. I'm struggling to imagine it.
SpongeyGString Akari~n!
@aWSOMN360: Eton Mess is pretty top. Also you don't have digestives, custard creams, Jaffa Cakes or any of that kind of thing. (Biscuits are good.)
SpongeyGString Akari~n!
@aWSOMN360: That's not true, we just don't have a very big selection of fast food restaurants.
SpongeyGString Akari~n!
@aWSOMN360: No you didn't you changed that afterward. We have plenty of good restaurants.
cannonofdoom Superannuate
The best purely British food product is Worcestershire (pronounced Woostersher) Sauce. It's basically fermented fish guts and vinegar.
cannonofdoom Superannuate
cannonofdoom Superannuate
It's awesome! I use it all the time on burgers and in my Shepherd's Pie.
Ya'll gon make me lose my mind.
Up in here
Up in here
M4xwell Insanitarium
@LaughingMan9: Shoutout to Princeton Junction (where my mates live and I go to during Thanksgiving.)
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