What's everyones game of the year so far? and what games coming out have the potential to take it?
I have Bioshock: Infinite so far, with GTA V possibly becoming GOTY.
58 Replies

A little too soon for me, but I do like BioShock Infinite. The BioShock series has always been one of my favourites.

My GOTY is the Deadpool game. I love that writing of Deadpool and the combat is simple but so much fun.

I dunno i guess battleblock theatre its the only game i playe this yearbut its probably gonna be dark souls 2

(athough it officially released in 2012, it is being updated constanty , at it is still in alpha) Kerbal Space Program. Its fucking awesome. I really suggest it. If you need proof of its awesomeness, go look at these Youtube channels:
Scott Manley
Macey Dead

Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
None of the games that I've played that were released this year have been GOTY worthy, in my opinion.

Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
@Neal: FFFUU I officially change my answer as of now, but I'll see what happens at the end of the year.

Majora's Mask wins it this year and every year for me. But seriously, from what I have played I would say Infinite. Unless something great comes out closer to when game of the year is decided I feel like Last of Us will win though because people think that it is the greatest game of all time.

Only one person has mentioned Last of Us! Have any of you actually played it? All the critics are saying that it is a massive contender. Having watched both a lot, and played both a little bit, I have to say Last of Us is probably in front at this stage. I expect GTAV to be good, but it will be a battle of Last of Us' story telling against any gameplay innovations GTAV brings.

TheXRayFactor Based Deak
so far, saints row iv, for the mere fact that every other game released in 2013 (that I've played) is utter shit
fm14 is gonna be fookin amazing though

Saints Row 4, but X/Y, GTA V, and Wolf Among Us haven't come out, and I haven't played Diablo 3 on console yet.

SpongeyGString Akari~n!
Still Dead Space 3 at the moment but it'll either be GTA V or BF4 by the end of the year.

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED
The best game of the year will be Call of Duty: Doge.

I think it's definitely between Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us, and GTA V, and my money's on GTA V. It has a LOT going for it.

MrFozzilla the Inactive
Tales of Xillia IMO. Game is so much fun and the story is great and lengthy.

MrFozzilla the Inactive
@JohnStephen: The Tales series is the main reason I bought one. They are making shit tons more and porting others to PS3. Japan is amazing.

So many anime series have games that are on a Playstation system, unfortunately usually Japan exclusive.
Also, I hear that Valkyria Chronicles is meant to be good. Discovered it through it's soundtrack that was in the Humble Indie Music Bundle a while back. With those games, Last of Us, and a Blu-Ray player, the PS3 doesn't look half bad.

Di5tur8ed Bi-Gun Nut
I cant decide between Dead Space 3, Bioshock Infinite, Far Cry 3, or Metro Last Light

mlp_midnaspet Homo-Queen*
@M4xwell: um so will that be recognized by the vga or will it get a handsome M4xwell seal of quality
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