KimmyJKing Chad
The most beautiful thing I have ever seen to grace this website:
400 Replies

@ReservoirDog: Basically, the STM guys for Eddie's side, and the "Fallout Shelter" for forecep's side (side note: I am the "overseer" of that.)

@Eddie: IT CAN HAPPEN EVEN SOONER. Okay everyone let's all drive to Eddies house for a party!

Can u guys start a new 1 for this. U can talk about ETX when ur in a new post.
You to are confusng me with your talking alot

Well I know "My Group" is ltayl1, Leisdog, Nate, Pat_Redhawk, Prodocol, Deadlyparasite, AStingyMiser, Jiffy Loob, and I.
And the only people I know of their group is Forcep, deadshadow, and shannon.

@Eddie: Me, Natehalodragon, bello, madbad, M4xwell, dark jungle, Di5tur8ed, JohnStephen, some others I can't think of at the moment.

Actually our group name is currently "Desu Desu Desu Mai Waifu is so Kawaii Uguu~ ~Christian the world's biggest weeaboo"
lel (Christian is Leisdog)

@CyroWolf: Nevermind about the whole outnumbered thing, you guys have the two holy protectors of chat in your corner, they don't stand a chance.

yes. That's what the peace treaty thread is. Did you see the earlier post as well:
"You got a year, that should be enough time to save up. I know I'm going next year, and I'm pretty sure Natehalodragon is too.
Also in 2015 when you do go, I would be happy to meet up with you guys (I will only be 18, but during the day we could) Also speaking of meeting up with you, I know there is a lot of negative feelings towards me in your group, and I wanted to let you know I put all that shit behind me, and was hoping you could too. We don't have to be enemies. Idk if breadwolf told you anything, but I have been talking to him about it for a while. Anyways hope we can be friends. Cheers m8."

I mean I haven't done anything a while, and like I said I have been talking to breadwolf. I guess you could ask him more about it. I also feel like I have been having good relations with natehalodragon on twitter

ltayl1 1.048596
@Eddie: Fuck yeah RTX 2015. Even I'll be at that motherfucker. Shit's gonna be so cash yo!

@Redblood801: See what happens when you aren't here? Don't leave us. You defend us from the chaos.

forcep BANNED
Let this thread stand as a monument to Mike finally getting shit done

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED
- -1

TheXRayFactor Based Deak
holy shit mike where are you ban this sick filth for the love of the canadian family values

@TheXRayFactor: Meh, maybe im just off but i remember you were but an average CHAT member and actually quite funny at times.

TheCarlsbean BANNED
ich bin nigger

TheCarlsbean BANNED
- yes
4 - no
5 - we hate eddie
Poll has been closed.

forcep BANNED
@JiffyLoob:I wasn't, I was referring to XRay, but you'd be too dense to get that wouldn't you.

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED
The Brotherhood of the Bean is always watching.

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED
Bumping for the beans.

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED
Here for my weekly bump.

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED
It still dosent mean that he wasn't top poster at one point.

That only happened because I messed up the top 5 code. It was only for a few minutes.

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED
@Mike: You may have messed up, and we may have lost a good bean that day, but The Brotherhood is always watching.

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED
Here for my weekly bump.

risaxis BANNED
never forget 7/7/05

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED

georgemellon BANNED
ich bin nigger

georgemellon BANNED
Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

georgemellon BANNED
Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

georgemellon BANNED
Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

georgemellon BANNED
carlsbean is carlsback

georgemellon BANNED
Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.
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