KimmyJKing Chad
The most beautiful thing I have ever seen to grace this website:
400 Replies

beanscarl23 BANNED
mike you're still a bitch

forcep BANNED
Shannon: "I love you."
Carlsbean: "I know."
Shannon:"Promise you won't tell mike!"
Carlsbean: "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"
Shannon:"But he's the sheriff around these parts! He'll ban you!"
Carlsbean: "So be it then.FOR LOVE!"
Shannon:"We'll always have Paris."
Mike: "Meet me at high noon, fagit. Pistols only, 1v1, hang 'em high, 50 kills"
By Nathan, Matt, and forecep

KimmyJ King Chad
@Eddie: I don't see myself as a bully, more of a "hard fact enforcer". People have to take their lumps. The kid in my/our Vines is my/our friend Patrick, who in fact never gets made fun of by me. Oh, and there are no laws allowing me to own those guns, it is highly illegal for me to be the owner of them. Lighten up, man. This is the internet for fuck sake.
Edit: I NEVER put myself above others, well, not that often.

Deadlyparasite1 BANNED

@TheXRayFactor: Yeah I'm sure he'll make a new account to make hollow insults at people and get banned almost immediately.

Shannon Queen
@beanscarl23: Faggot doesnt have to be a homophobic slur. It's turned into such a thing, but at one point it was used as a synonym for sissy.
As for me being a homophobic cunt; I'm the furthest from a homophobe you'll ever meet, as I openly support marriage equality. So your little insult doesn't bother me, because I know that I'm the complete opposite from a homophobe.
As for the cunt part, ya you right. I've openly admitted to being that a fair few times ;) haha

Shannon Queen
@forcep: You three are weird as fuck. Honestly, what am I gonna do with you boys! hahaha

Shannon Queen
@Deadlyparasite1: Dissecting a comment made towards myself and than explaining it's ridiculousness isn't a sign of offense. Merely a correction of logic.

Well Beanscarl and Ogrelord are clearly bullies and since you are friends with them I just grouped you with them, and that is my bad.
But also with the fact enforcer thing, in certain times this can still be bullying. Even though someone is fat there is no reason to keep calling them fat. It obviously isn't nice, and they don't need you telling them 99% (not saying 100 because they are rare cases) of fat people know they are fat and don't like being fat, and it doesn't help if you are constantly bringing it up.

@phonix321: A little, but let's just say a guy got banned for being a retard and insulting our Overlord.

I love how this went from Carlsbean being the little bitch he is to people meeting up at Rtx 2015 xD

Shannon Queen
@Reaver: its what we do. We end the trolling and move onto the important stuff like food

codsniper1337 BANNED
guys help i can't die

codsniper1337 BANNED
guys i can't die

codsniper1337 BANNED

TheXRayFactor Based Deak
you are just too pr0-mlg-tier for someone to kill you that easily

codsniper1337 BANNED
fuck *me

codsniper1337 BANNED
wow mike, for a little bitch you are fast at banning me

forcep BANNED
godddammit he's back

Shannon Queen
Kay guys, I know Im just as bad at this moment as the rest of ya.
But lets just ignore him. He'll get banned whenever he makes an account.
We dont need to instigate him to make more, even though Im just ask guilty for it

forcep BANNED
yay, good job mike

It's all about RTX 2013, RTX 2014, RTX 2015.....
Why not go to all of them? You shouldn't need alcohol to have a good time.

forcep BANNED
@Eddie:I live in oregon, it's expensive, that's when a lot of people are planning to go, that fact that'll I'll be 21 is a happy coincidence

TheXRayFactor Based Deak
going to a convention when the GODDAMN WORLD CUP is happening?
solid joke m8

@Eddie: reason for '15 is that by then many of us would be at least 18 and have the money to go. Some people being 21 is a perk for them.

You got a year, that should be enough time to save up. I know I'm going next year, and I'm pretty sure Natehalodragon is too.
Also in 2015 when you do go, I would be happy to meet up with you guys (I will only be 18, but during the day we could) Also speaking of meeting up with you, I know there is a lot of negative feelings towards me in your group, and I wanted to let you know I put all that shit behind me, and was hoping you could too. We don't have to be enemies. Idk if breadwolf told you anything, but I have been talking to him about it for a while. Anyways hope we can be friends. Cheers m8.

forcep BANNED
@Eddie:he talked about it, and I'm saving up for a new game console this year, also I got college, shit's expensive even if you live at home
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