Hey, so just recently go Far cray 3 and I was wondering if anyone had any sweet stories. So, if you've played the game, what's the most entertaining thing you've ever done? Mine is probably performing a take-down from a glider. What's yours?
27 Replies
played the entire game undetected in one play through, apart from story missions that require guns
ghostface Reference
I arrow sniped a driver out of a car and watched it drive off a cliff with everyone in
Redblood801 Chief Dingus
So in all seriousness, does anyone know how to fix the crosshairs on my snipeer rifles?
Redblood801 Chief Dingus
@SpongeyGString: No seriously, my crosshairs on my sniper rifles are gone as well as the red dots on my bow.
SpongeyGString Akari~n!
@Redblood801: I'd suggest reinstalling it but you'd have to piss about with the saves and stuff #ConsoleMasterRace
Redblood801 Chief Dingus
@SpongeyGString: I got it on steam, so I don't really care, I already beat it and am probably never going back, but it's still annoying that they never released a patch for it.
SpongeyGString Akari~n!
@Redblood801: If no one else is having the problem it's most likely a bug in your copy, which is why I said to reinstall it. A patch wouldn't help.
SpongeyGString Akari~n!
@TheXRayFactor: Yup, now stop being an elitist. It's the reason PC gamers have a bad rep.
TheXRayFactor Based Deak
Sorry, it seems I was under the wrong impression that it was allowed (and socially acceptable) to have a laugh when people tell a joke
SpongeyGString Akari~n!
@Redblood801: As do I but for different things. I play RTSs and games like FTL that wouldn't work on consoles using my PC. For multiplayer and playing with friends I use my Xbox as it's far better for that.
After starting the base with a takedown from a hang glider, I took out the entire thing in a single chain.
Parks Ass To Ass
There was an Outpost where a Tiger got in it and killed almost everyone, I didn't know and I thought there was only one guy guarding it.
Can I count the entirety of Blood Dragon, because it is phenomenal. I'd just hand Ubisoft my wallet if they made a full retail game out of it.
@CyroWolf: Yeah man, that counts. I plan on buying it as soon as I can. It looks like so much fun.
@MatMoeFaux: Quad-barrel semi-auto extended mag inferno ammo Galleria 1991 is just too fun to use. Also, the humor and all the descriptions are fantastic.
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