My body is ready. Let's do this.
- 1 Cool
190 Replies

@ghostface: He's really not, but he's my favourite.
Overall great states, cool-looking Pokémon, and I just like it. It's a really good Pokémon. It's not fierce looking or intimidating. When I first saw a Flygon, I imagined that was me in Pokémon form.

@AStingyMiser: Damn, that's hard...I'd probably say kingdom Hearts II. With Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door a VERY close second.

@AStingyMiser: I honestly can't answer that. Silver, KH II, and Thousand Year Door are probably my favourite three games ever. It's a three way tie really.

Thousand Year Door
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits.

deadshadow foking furry
@FlygonNick: well no flag no country if you were to have a flag what flag would it be

@deadshadow: The flag of my country? Red, White, and Blue. AMERICA!
My own personal flag? a Flygon flying out over a horde of Zombies.

What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

@Captain_Chaos: Nicholas.
To defeat the Fire Nation and master all four elements.
African or European swallow?

M4xwell Insanitarium
Ello, mate.
What's your favourite childhood moment?
What's your favourite meal to eat at a normal basis? All-time?

@M4xwell: Beating my older brother in a Pokémon battle in Silver when he made a copy of my Typhlosion. I was eight, he was 13.
I love pizza, I can eat it from anywhere.
All time? Garlic-Tiger Shrimp, though I can only get that on cruises.

M4xwell Insanitarium
@FlygonNick: Because of you, I'm going to have to postpone my AMA. ...Well Then.
1. What is your favourite word?
2. What is your least favourite word?
3. What turns you on?
4. What turns you off?
5. What sound do you love?
6. What sound do you hate?
7. What is your favourite curse word?
8. What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
9. What profession would you not like to do?
10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

1. Flemish or Falafel.
2. All words that require me to look up its spelling.
3. Girls with od personalities, but are still really cute. Also nerdy women. It drives me nuts. (in a good way)
4. Smoking. I don't care how hot you are, smoking is disgusting.
5. For some reason, the sound of my iPod when I get an email.
6. Any sound my brother makes.
7. B@stard.
8. Animator at Roosterteeth.
9. Prostitute.
10. "How the hell did you get here? I must have been drunk again..."

M4xwell Insanitarium
Kill, fuck, marry (and fuck): Chenzo, sonny88p, RedBlood801.
What was the biggest obstacle you overcame?
How do you know when you belong in life?
What is your definition of insanity? Normal? Friendship? Life?
What is your favourite drink at a normal basis? All-Time?

@M4xwell: Kill Sonny88p (no offense), screw Chenzo, and Marry Redblood801.
Hmm...I'd said self-doubt. Still haven't overcame that obstacle myself.
When you've got people you can always depend on, be them friends or family. I count myself lucky to have those people in my life.
Insanity is just a different way of looking at things.
Normal is a word people use to describe what people aren't, but lie to themselves when they say that they're normal.
Friendship is when you can call a someone at 3 in the morning and chat about Pokémon for now reason.
Life is what you make of it.
Probably Tea. All time is probably Dr. Pepper.
- +1

Redblood801 Chief Dingus
@FlygonNick: Whose this Redvlood801 fellow? Sounds like a complete ass hat.

@Redblood801: I concur.
Thank god for the edit button, otherwise I would've looked like an NGF.

M4xwell Insanitarium
Have you ever felt depression and how did you overcome it if so?
Greatest achievement in a game? In life?
Craziest experience ever?
Funniest moment you were a part of?
Lowest point in life and how did you change it?

@M4xwell: Yes. And I haven't really overcome it, I just try to keep busy and not dwell on my low self-worth.
Hell if I know. I'm a PS3 guy, so no achievements. Probably beating my older brother as a kid in Silver. Probably one of my proudest moments as a gamer. In life, getting my first job a few months back all on my own.
Hmm...I don't know actually. There's quite a few. Probably zip-lining in a huge thunderstorm in Jamaica would be a good one. Crazy stuff that.
At night in my neighborhood, there's a huge black bear that roams around. I bang loudly on a wooden post to make sure that he isn't around before I let my dog out at night, because that bear is pretty dangerous. On night my older brother walked out into the living room as I was doing this, and he yelled "So that's what that damn noise was! It's been waking me up at night for 3 months!"
Made me laugh so hard I was on the ground for five minutes.
I totaled my car 8 months ago (after a month of driving it), and I went into a very deep depression. I'm still not entirely over it, but getting a job and doing well in school helped me feel better about my own value as a person

Redblood801 Chief Dingus
@FlygonNick: So you want me to do this in front of everyone, or do you want it to be private?

M4xwell Insanitarium
Toughest game you ever played?
Greatest sexual experience?
Your top 5 favourite CHAT members?
Where would be your be your best destination for a vacation? Worst?

1.Level up a Trapinch to level 35.
2.Level up a Vibrava to Level 45.
3.Destroy everything.

I don't know. Maybe Metroid Prime 3 on Hypermode? If I come up with something else, I'll come back to this one.
I have to have a sexual experience first, so I'll get back to you one that one. XD
Hell...I'll just do current members of CHAT. Mike, M4xwell, Chenzo, Redblood801, and aWSOMN360.
Britain or Russia would be the best places. Worst would probably be Ethiopia.

1. Get a Flygon.
2. Teach it Hyper Beam, Flamethrower, Earthquake, and Fly.
3. Go on a homicidal rampage over the region with it.
Simple as that.

M4xwell Insanitarium
Favourite meme? Least favourite meme?
Digimon or Pokemon (give legitimate response)?
Favourite anime?
Favourite youtube video?
Top 5 favourite songs?

@M4xwell: Oh the hue-manity. I LOVE IT.
Pokémon. I just didn't get to watch Digimon as much as Pokémon growing up, you know?
Hmm...DragonBall Z. Hellsing is a close second.
DAMN...that's HARD. I have no idea...if I had to chose one of my favs randomly, it'd be the first Surgeon Simulator Rage Quit.
Beast and the Harlot.
Four Minutes.
Perfect Weapon
Can't Hold Us
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