The things that are so annoying and stupid that you simply have to say: NO! BAD! BAD BOY! TERRIBLE IDEA! WHY WOULD YOU THINK ABOUT THAT! LET ALONE TRY IT? GO DIE IN A HOLE!
22 Replies

Like when people say Apple is a good and respectable company who makes top of the line computers and revolutionary phones?

Replying to aWSOMN360: Agreed, but they surely aren't "a good and respectable company who makes top of the line computers and revolutionary phones." It really pisses me off when people only consider one side of things.

Replying to Patjay: Trust me when it comes to gaming or actual work I'm PC all the way, but seeing people bitch about pc vs mac only makes me think do you not have anything better to do.

Replying to aWSOMN360: I was agreeing with you. It's just a personal preference. If people want to use one or the other, why should I try to convince them otherwise? It's not like it would change their mind anyway.

Deleted User
I happen to like apple stuff because it rarely breaks on me. I don't see why anyone cares about which OS somebody else uses.
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