So has anyone else been influenced by the Internet Box into like watching a tv show or playing certain games? Because I know it's gotten me to watch mlp, It's always sunny, and to play pokemon XD
18 Replies
ltayl1 1.048596
I watched Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy because of IB.
I'd never seen them before and Andrew kept discussing it so I thought, why not?
I already did most of those things, but now I really want to go back and watch King of the Hill again
GummmiGator BANNED
It got me to buy another copy of SoulSilver after I lost mine because it pissed me off too much to hear them talk about it when I couldn't play it.
They got me to play pokemon soul silver again
But they never got me to like something I didn't like already
they got me into MLP and now for some odd reason i bought quake 4 to help mike get those achievements :D
SpongeyGString Akari~n!
MLP. That's the only one I can think of.
There are various games I've bought because of Michael but that's not podcast related.
I saw a sign that said RIP Rusty and all I could think about was Andrews asshole horse.
forcep BANNED
I quote them all the time, and I play games they've raved about, for instance when Michael raved about Dishonored, convinced me to buy it.
@Captain_Chaos: I actually liked GX. And I was going to watch 5DS solely to make fun of it. Zexal is where I will stop for sure. That just looks turrible. Charles Barkley would agree.
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