Microsoft has been done.
They've been butt bombed.
They've been booty bamboozled.
They've been hiney hoodwinked.
They've been ass assassinated.
They've been bottom obliterated.
They've been taint tickled.
They've been crapper crossed, shoot shot, and rectum roasted.
I started my gaming days with the PSX, and I'm finally returning.
44 Replies

Microsoft was destined to fail from the release of Xbox One, thank God im switching to PC gaming next year when i build my PC
- -1

The online checking system, always on kinect, and DRM bullshit are basically set in stone, unless they try to recover from that mangina mangling they were just dished.

I recently built a PC myself. I love it, and the gaming, but there's a lot of titles out there that make it worth having at least one console along with a PC.

@stickytickler: i completly understand, i love the halo series, i am excited for Halo 5, maybe it was revealed to release a little too soon, maybe like another 2 or 3 years, but maybe, just maybe, my little brother is spoiled enough to get one from my parents for like christmas or something

@stickytickler: I seriously doubt that. The always on Kinect has already been debunked, in the off-stage it only listens for the "on" command and the user has the option to change all of those settings.
They've got half a year to compete and they know now that they have to. We all saw what the PS3's price point did to sales this past generation. The cheaper price would kill them during holiday sales since the kids just want a new CoD box.

I started my gaming days with a gameboy and a SNES. So I can't wait to play Pokemon X until Microsoft and Playstation get there shit together. But I think Xbox could win everyone back with one phrase that they can't seem to give us. That phrase is: "Free Xbox online." Followed by "With an optional premium class that allows for better sales on XBLA."
But if the new Kinect doesn't work in small spaces like the current one then I can't play one.

@ReservoirDog: of course they do, nintendos gonna boom when they have their conference tomorrow, and they really havent been doing that well in the gaming industry anymore, wii was ok, wii u was ok - ish, but their real seller is going to be their handheld consoles like 3ds

@Pat_RedHawk: You honestly think a $499 dollar Xbox One console that requires you to be signed in online all the time and will charge you to play used games can compete with a $399 PS4 that doesn't charge you for used games and doesn't require you to always be online?

@ReservoirDog: not necessarily, but there will always be people who love xbox, halo fans will obviously get the one. it depends on the person who wants it

Don't count Nintendo out yet. I say that they will save the Wii U with great nintendo games. Like they did the Wii (even though it became a casual console, but it still made them tons of money)

I bet they have nothing and they released AC: New Leaf today to distract everyone.

@Neal: If they show off a new Super Smash Bros Game, that will be all they need to skyrocket their sales.

Parks Ass To Ass
I really want to see launch games for both consoles. Because right now all the launch games I give a fuck about are Second Son and Watch Dogs.

@ReservoirDog: I really hope they do that. And have a new Mario game on a 3D plane. Like Mario 64 or Mario Galaxy.

@Bello6: You've never actually played a video game and liked it. So nobody cares what you say.

@Bello6: So are you Bello's cousin? Because you are typing like brain dead MLG CoD wanna be.

@Bello6: So I'm taking that as a yes. What did you think that since Bello was on a computer not playing CoD you would ruin all of his life here too?

Deleted User

Yup. Between KH3 and Versus (now XV) from Sony and Nintendo doing whatever Nintendo does, Halo and DR3 can't save it.

forcep BANNED
It's to soon to tell, and I'm still pulling towards xbox due to halo, but we'll see.

@forcep: I have a feeling they will get rid of their shitty policies after the release and seeing how bad their sales are.

ltayl1 1.048596
Halo is the only thing that the Xbox One has left going for it.
Honestly, I don't think it's worth it.

forcep BANNED
@ReservoirDog:I hope so, but remember with a big company like microsoft they might just say screw it. There is a good chance they won't.

Apparently Titanfall will be on PC, so I'll get that then. Really bummed about not getting to play DR3 though.

Nintendo always wins. They just humour the others by letting them thing they have a chance.
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