Any good not very well known anime out there?? (That does not involve mecs)
26 Replies

@DashingRainbow: Just recently watched Fate Zero for the first time. Really good shit, for comedy have you seen Great Teacher Onizuka? It's hilarious.

I recommend Mirai Nikki above also.
I'd also recommend Buso Renkin and Guilty Crown. Both quite interesting animes.

TheXRayFactor Based Deak
I have no idea if it is obscure or not, but Serial Experiments Lain was mind-blowing for me.
I'm seriously considering writing an entire novel based on some of its ideas

I'm glad you liked Fate Zero, It's got to be my favourite anime. I'll have to check out great teacher onizuka

I watched Katanagatari recently, I don't know what you like so it could be awful for you or awesome for you

Death note
Soul Eater
Cowboy Bebop
Edit: I'm blind.
Is Deadman Wonderland well known?

GummmiGator BANNED
speed grapher's a pretty good anime

Kore wa Zombie Desu ka. I don't know what's obscure or not, but I haven't seen it mentioned all that much.
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