Holy shit, I am sick of the retarded, childish shit that is going on lately.
I might have to take a while off.
84 Replies

TheXRayFactor Based Deak
Replying to OP:
I guess I'm getting old, because that has been my conclusion about everything lately...

forcep BANNED
Replying to OP:If you take a break, you'll let the terrorist win. We have to actively fight this. Everybody tweet mike #BanDeadlyParasite.

I might have to work through this.
Call it a brief moment of insanity. After a long period of insanity.

Beanscarl BANNED
Well, Im sorry for what I have done.

M4xwell Insanitarium
@Redblood801: a little birdie was down in the dumps. (I still enjoy CHAT to extents not known in human nature)

forcep BANNED

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BANNED
what makes you think I have anything to prove?
what makes you think I'm trolling?
I'm just having fun.

@bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb:Aw man I'm so confused by this ruse, who could this knew person be? He reminds me of someone that I used to know.

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BANNED
I'm confused by the purpose of your post.
pls stop it annoys me.

forcep BANNED
why is occurring twice, every time it posts, kill it with fire

@bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb:Who's another_fag? I haven't seen him post anything yet, but I await to here what he or she has to say.

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BANNED
I already told you guys. Mike cant into HTML.
By the way, nice meme. ;)

@bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb:Again who is this person you speak of? And why would they be surprised that they are themselves?

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BANNED
You know pretending to be dumb isn't the same thing as trolling, right?

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BANNED
Sounds fun. But, way not to say thanks to my compliment.

@bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb:Hey don't pick on lolEPIKTROLE. He's a contributing member of the CHAT newfag.

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BANNED
Let's see if a real ban works on me.
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