Any of you guys have a dream career?
Mine would be working at a company like Rooster Teeth where I get paid to play video games or edit videos and work with such great people.
31 Replies
Replying to OP: Pretty much my dream too. Or being the host of toonami for the rest of my life. Or being Gordon Freeman.
Rooster Teeth or a actor. I see Rooster Teeth as impossible for me (if i got a job at there it world just be pure luck) ,but i'm really working towards being a actor.
Replying to jonchar:
I used to do gaming commentary but, I don't think my content is good enough to submit a video.
KimmyJ King Chad
My dream job is to be a private security contractor. I would enjoy having a job to protect people in a high danger area and I'd love the adrenaline rush. I know it would be dangerous but the pay is good so there's always that.
Replying to RickyM: Just do it dude. Have you seen Mike's or Ray's first few videos? They were poo poo
I think it'd be awesome to get paid while doing my weird food combo videos or get a travel channel show and get paid to act like a lady and eat like a dude all around the U.S...or just do something with photography.
Replying to KimmyJ: I'm looking for a job at Bagram as a civilian aircraft mechanic. I would make bank.
KimmyJ King Chad
Replying to Rallyfan199: Yeah you right! But I wonder what the internet speed is like over there...
Replying to KimmyJ: It's a major base with sat uplink. Soldiers skype home alot. Its a 4yr gig. My mom had a friend that went to Iraq came home and retired. Made more in 4yrs there than 20yrs work state side.
KimmyJ King Chad
Replying to Rallyfan199: For the base you're talking about maybe, but I'm fairly certain that Blackwater bases won't have the same set-up.
KimmyJ King Chad
Replying to Rallyfan199: Does that mean that they will necessarily have the same internet connection? I need my podcasts.
Replying to KimmyJ: They would be still using the same coms room. Like to Polish and Brits. Plus PMCs get better gear anyway.
KimmyJ King Chad
Replying to Rallyfan199: Alright, cool beans! They also like to wear khakis, t-shirts, and baseball caps from what I've seen.
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