What's your favourite anime/manga? Currently my favourite anime is One Piece, (yes, stereotypical I know) the comedy is great and the animation is excellent as well, and the storyline. My favourite manga currently is Kamisama No Iutoori (Fujimura Akeji), it is a sci-fi/horror manga. Its currently in it's second part and has received weekly serialization, the second part is called Kamisama no Iutoori Ni. I HIGHLY suggest you read the first part before going to part two. This manga is awesome and unique to any other manga, you will not be disappointed.
162 Replies

I don't read much manga but my favourite would be Beet the vandel buster/ anime would be SOA

I don't watch way too much, but I would probably say either Soul Eater as well, or Ouran High School Host Club (actually glad that my high school gf made me watch that). It's hard to say, the shows are pretty different.

Parks Ass To Ass
I don't read any Manga. The only Anime i'm currently watching is Dragon Ball Z Kai.

Favourite manga would be YuYu Hakasho and favourite anime would be either Dragon Ball Z or Soul Eater.

My favourite Anime is Deadman Wonderland. But manga is a lot harder. I'd say the Naruto ones. Like the original series ones. But I'm not entirely sure. I like a lot of manga hard to pick one. But I read more Naruto.

Carlsbean BANNED

BreadWolf Weinerlord
Just started reading manga, so I don't have a favourite right now. However, I have been watching anime for most of my life. My favourite would easily be Clannad (and After Story, the second season). SO MANY TEARS.

deadshadow foking furry
Witchblade, one peice, Gurren Laggan, Fullmetal Alchemist, Angle Blade, Corpse Princess, Spirited Away, Avatar the last Airbender

Ranma 1/2 is where I got my start, so it'll always be my fallback. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya's up there as well, but I've never watched any of the follow-ups, and I have no desire to.

YOU NEED TO READ Kamisama No Iutoori (Fujimura Akeji) it's a fucking awesome manga, and the artwork is amazing.

It's really hard to decide on my favourite Anime. It'd be like picking a favourite child.I really like Claymore,Gunslinger Girl,Naruto,Death Note, and soooooo many others. As for manga i've really only consistently read three mangas. I read the Naruto Manga,Fullmetal Alchemist Manga,and the Kingdom Hearts manga. My favourite out of those was probably the Kingdom Hearts Manga.

[i]@deadshadow:[/iI have. It was pretty good. I watched Ghost Hound the other day. It was like an anime version of the Twilight Zone.

deadshadow foking furry
@natehalodragon: should i make a stream of spirited away i have it on my hard drive

@deadshadow:Noice! I love that movie! One of Ghibli's best. We should watch it tonight.

deadshadow foking furry
@natehalodragon: how do you make it private so i can just post it in the stream

deadshadow foking furry
@natehalodragon: well yea but im gonna post it when we have the call tonight

Deleted User
My favourite manga is: Fullmetal Alchemist.
My favourite anime is: Planetes.

I've only seen a few, but they were great and I should watch more. They are One Piece, Evangelion, and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.

BreadWolf Weinerlord
Oh, cool. I barely read manga myself, but my friend has the FLCL manga. It looks somewhat different, and I was wondering if it was better or worse. Suppose I'll have to give it a read myself sometime. Anyway, FLCL is a great show. Especially because it's so short, and I can rewatch it without having to commit anything more than 3 hours to it.

I feel like I should say that the only reason SwordArt Online is not my favourite is because of the second half of the show.

BreadWolf Weinerlord
Haven't seen it, but that's the exact reason Gurren Lagann is so low on my list.

@BreadWolf:Like episode 6. The only interesting character is Kamina. I don't really love this one, to be honest.

BreadWolf Weinerlord
Like I said, it's not very high on my list. Still, people make a big deal out of it. I think it gets much better after episode 6, but there's a definite point further in where it starts to decline.

In terms of anime, I've loved everything I've watched but I haven't watched too much. Upotte is strangely good and I'm surprisingly upset that I have no more episodes left. I'd say my favourite anime is Neon Genesis Evangelion, but to avoid sounding like an Eva fanboy I'll say Cowboy Bebop or FLCL. My favourite Manga is FMA.

@shamanowl: Simon becomes a very good character around ep 14 but you have to suffer through a few bad episodes

forcep BANNED
I've only seen dragonball, pokemon, and ATLA/TLOK

Carlsbean BANNED
fuckin weeboos

MrFozzilla the Inactive
Welp its bad this was brought up for me. Because my mind is making me post in it. I literally could write a huge fucking list of both anime and manga that I absolutely loved but I'll do 3 each to ease my nerves a tad. A TL;DR translation will be posted afterwards with some honorable mentions.
Welp, here is the anime side:
1. Toradora!
This was what got me into anime in the first place. Its a cute, shoujo/slice of life/romantic comedy anime that only has 2 seasons consisting of 25 episodes all together. Also has my favourite anime character in it. (IMO) This anime is not for everyone but I loved it.
2. Gurren Lagann
THIS ANIME MAN. Yes while I do agree that it can be over hyped I still fucking loved it. What with its pretty good characters (some more than others) and its over the top manly ass fighting. Yes I also agree that I did not enjoy the second half as much as the first it was still good. This anime has its action and also its sad moments. If you watch the whole thing stick through the second half till 24 then go ahead and finish.
3. Naruto
Ehhhhhhh. Its not bad but its perfect. This is mainly here for nostalgia reasons. Grew up with this dubbed a bit. Ignore this if you want, I need something to shorten this shit anyways.
Manga Time:
1. Kimi no Iru Machi
Not many of you will like it I am guessing but I love it. Currently all caught up in the manga and waiting. The anime just started also. Once again its just your basic slice of life/romatic comedy/shoujo but I am just a big pussy and love shit. Bite me.
2. Fairy Tail Rave Master
Don't get me wrong I fucking love Fairy Tail and I am currently waiting for new chapters coming out, but if you love Fairy Tail you should also look into Rave Master. Its made by the same guy only Rave Master was made first and is finished. It is kind of like OP with humor and unique characters. Pretty good story too. Recommended.
3. One Piece
First off, holy shit. This fucking manga is long as dicks. I love it for that reason because sometimes the current animes and mangas I am reading get dry as I am switching so I know that I can read some OP and be happy. Currently back in the 250's. I was past 625 but I changed phones so the app changed and I finally found a new working one but I forgot a lot of the story. The story is actually pretty good, the characters are unique and fun, the humor is so good at times, and it has Brooke and Franky.
Next is the TL;DR translation. See you there after this monster of a post.

MrFozzilla the Inactive
TL;DR Translation:
1. Toradora!
2. Gurren Lagann
3. Lucky Star (10 Timoteis/10 Timoteis
?. Naruto
1. Kimi no Iru Machi
2. Rave Master
3. One Piece
Honorable Mentions
-Fairy Tail
-Keroro Gunsou
-Avatar: The Last Airbender(Anime or not, whatever. Still good.)
-Deadman Wonderland (manga is finished, anime is not)
-Squid Girl
-To Love Ru

Gurren Lagann
Attack on Titan
Deadman Wonderland
Soul Eater
1. Soul Eater
2. Deadman Wonderland
3. One Piece
4. Naruto

Favourite Mangas
Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan
Great Teacher Onizuka
Chikan Otoko
Onanie Master Kurosawa
Girls of the Wild's
My Heart Is Beating
The Breaker

What about manhua and manwha ? Fav manhua is Feng shen ji, manwha is God of High School. For manga I would pick the Battle Royale manga, if you saw the movie and thought that was great then the manga will fuck ur feels up. I don't watch anime anymore.

TheXRayFactor Based Deak
boku no pico. intriguing story arc, masterful art direction and some nice dialogue, perfect by any standards whatsoever

I read Shonnen Jump back in elementary school and middle school, and I was always a fan of Yu Yu Hakusho, Shaman King, and Dragon Ball (orignial, not Z).
Also, Yuri Hime.

I've been watching a lot of Watamote, Attack on Titan, Bleach, and Fullmetal Alchemist recently...

I recently watched FLCL and it was great, and confusing. But if you just roll with it the show is very entertaining. I also started watching Watamote week to week and while I wouldn't say it's funnier than Seitokai Yakuindomo, it's a really funny show. And I'm now about halfway through Highschool of the dead and although a lot of the show is borderline hentai and makes me feel uncomfortable as fuck, it's pretty awesome.

Favourite manga is probably Naruto. The anime gets a lot of shit because of fillers but that isn't a problem in the manga. Favourite anime would probably have to be Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood or Gurren Lagann.

Lord Millennium
My favourite anime is either Soul Eater or Ouran High School Host Club, and my favourite manga is either Fruits Basket, Cromartie High School, or Jing, King of Bandits: Twilight Tales.

for anime, Soul Eater, Full metal alchemist and im also enjoying Attack on Titan. I don't read manga.

ltayl1 1.048596
I liked Angel Beats and I'm digging High School DxD. That's it really, I'm not really all that into anime.

On the anime front, I just finished, and really really liked, Rosario Vampire. Now I'm watching Seikirei (might be misspelling that). In the past I've also really enjoyed Wolf's Rain, Reign: The Conqueror, Cowboy Bebop, Dragonball Z, and Outlaw Star. (Shoutout to Toonami for basically shaping my high school years.) But hands down, my favourite anime is Gundam Wing. DAMN I love that show.
As for manga, I've never really read any.

MrFozzilla the Inactive
Speaking of One Piece, if anyone who has watched or read it sees this my new Franky, Nami, and Sanji figures just came in. YEAHHHHHHH. The new world versions.

MrFozzilla the Inactive
@ReservoirDog: I gotta get caught back up so not currently. I was at when they were in the mermaid kingdom and but I lost my last phone with the chapters on it. Almost to the New World Arc again though.

@MrFozzilla: Well, in the anime they are currently on Punk Hazard which is in the new world. And really the anime isn't that far behind the manga.

MrFozzilla the Inactive
@ReservoirDog: I still have a lot more left. Its discouraging but I know its worth it.

BreadWolf Weinerlord
Favourite anime is still Clannad After Story. My favourite manga so far is probably Yotsubato!
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