So I've heard a lot of good things about this show. I'm like three episodes in and not terribly impressed. Does it start to pick up at some point?
The premise is cool and all and the themes could be pretty interesting if I could stand the main character.
65 Replies

My favourite anime! I liked it a lot though many people critisize it. The story is heartwarming, and the story picks up around ep 7. Kirito becomes more likable around episode 4 and 5.

Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
Everybody and their mother seems to be going on about this anime.
Is it worth the watch?

@DashingRainbow: Thank christ. I can't relate to that introvert teenager trope anymore.
I was 12 at the time but I feel like that old show .HACK//Sign did a better job of incorporating the gaming aspect into the setting.

I realize some may call it sub par and most of the reviews I read bash it a bit, but its still my favourite anime.

@DashingRainbow: This guy has passed up every piece of action he's seen. Even shared a bed with one.
And someone in the production team has some issues making the most sexualized character yet a minor with vaguely incestuous overtones. (Episode 4)

@DashingRainbow: Oh and that scene in the first episode where him and Klein swap compliments. That was odd.

@LaughingMan9: the bit with Klein was weird. there are a lot more incestuous tones much later in the series.

@LaughingMan9: It gets a lot better in my opinion,and he's definitely not gay! He's waiting for the right girl. Also the MMO references get a lot better later on.

Do they ever address the fact that they would die of starvation/dehydration or is it just assumed someone hooked them up the an IV? Or is there some shenanigens with the headgear that keeps them alive?

If you like to put yourself into the character this anime is the best one ever, it has a wide range of emotions swirling the hero complex he has

Up to episode 10 now, shit got good. Hope the rest of it isn't as bad as you guys make it out to be.

@natehalodragon: Makes me want to choke a small animal. It was pretty damn good up til that point though. Guess I'll stick with it.

Despite it all I actually enjoyed the rest of it for the most part.
My two biggest critiques: They took the strongest female protagonist and made her Princess Peach. Lame as fuck.
And two, that "Papa" "Mama" shit is weird as fuck.
I could easily see the whole purpose behind this show being an attempt to raise sexual interest in young gaming adults because of Japan's declining birth rate. That actually makes a lot of sense the more I think about it.

I liked the first half of the anime, the second part not so much. I mainly enjoyed the animation and the concept of a virtual reality MMO.

I don't like it, I read the manga and it was such a piece of shit. Everyone loves it but the main character is such a common type character. Apparently the novels are better. I think 1/2 prince did it better.

It's about some girl who joins an online game fantasy game and she asks to have a male character because she doesn't want to lvl up and get good equips due to guys going crazy over her being a girl. Starts out really slow but picks up. She gets a sword that levels up with her which is pretty badass.
There's another gaming related manga which is called Yureka... Some dude finds a girl's game card and uses it but turns out it's a hacked character and it has some ridiculous powers and when he logs out it creates an npc type character that just follows him around. Main character is a sword master that uses magic swords.
Btw they're all reading only there's no anime for either one and I call them mangas but one is chinese and the other is korean.

Deleted User
Sword Art Online is pretty shit. The story makes no sense, and the treatment of women and romance is pretty fucking pathetic. Every character is a cliche.
The only things it does good is the boss fights and visuals. Everything else this anime does wrong.

@KingJemnas: hahahahahahahaha that webtoon turned very dragonball z in the last few chapters.

@Redblood801: ahhh true true...but jin mo ri is kind of umm that one guy...im asumming you know..i dont want to be lindsay for people who might want to read it.

I liked the first arc a lot, 8.5/10. It fell off for me so the second arc gets a lower score, but it had a solid ending. 7.5/10. Overall an 8/10. Good show.

Parks Ass To Ass
@Zac: I thought that episode 14 was an unofficial end to season 1. I could be wrong though.

Zac Sheriff
@Parks:Hmm that might be, if that's true then i must agree. I didn't like Elfland as much as Sword Art.

Redblood801 Chief Dingus
@ADashofRainbow: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, ruining people's taste in manga/anime since 1986,

What is it with this show and the need to take every strong female character and turn them into bitches that need to be protected by the protagonist?
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