I made an internet box account and one of the first things someone said i should do is an AMA?
So go ahead if you want too I'm ready for ya.
582 Replies
Deleted User
Replying to Bartek:
Bunny: hi! I don't believe we have met. (If we have, I apologize. I have a bad memory)
How has your day been going?
Replying to MadBadCoyote:
I woke up, went to school and came home...I almost want to go back to sleep
Favourite game?
Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Yeah I drew them, and thanks uvu! I'm just glad people liked them.
Replying to Nate:
I have a lot of favourites but portal minecraft killing floor and left 4 dead are the ones i probably play most.
Replying to McVear:
Right now jack squat (community college) But i want to go to school for animation and illustration after this mess.
Replying to italianbadger:
That depends honestly....I can say that Michael is the easiest to draw...that and I really like drawing his hair.
Replying to Nate: I've said it before but I'll say it again.
Replying to JohnStephen:
That's the joke man, come on.
But it really is master race muahahaha
Replying to Nate: I just hate it when people call themselves the PC master race to flatter themselves. It makes PC gamers look bad.
Replying to Nate:
Left 4 dead one and two
And do I gotta choose? They're both my babies.
Replying to johnstephen:
That's a hard question o__o although I am more of a peacekeeper /shufflesaway
Deleted User
I'm in social studies now, it's really boring.
What's your most hated subject in school?
Do you post the majority of your drawings on twitter, or are more somewhere else? Really can't get enough of the cuteness :)
Replying to Korporal_kitty:
[ loudly clucks in your direction ]
Whichever one wont bite me when i give em bread crumbs. that frickin' hurt.
Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Replying to italianbadger:
A few go on twitter, 95% go on tumblr and another chunk of them go on the RT site.
Deleted User
I wish I could look up your drawings, but I can't cuz school wifi blocks it.
What is your favourite thing to draw? Currently drawing anything?
Accept requests?
(I'm sorry I'm asking so much)
Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Favourite thing would be couples, yes i'm drawing something right now
and I accept requests here and there.
(don't sweat it)
Replying to Korporal_kitty:
Whichever don't bite. t h a t h u r t s.
Deleted User
Have any weird phobias?
(Mine are dogs and the sound of alarms)
Replying to Korporal_kitty:
Brown ducks
Replying to MadBadCoyote:
I have one major phobia but the last time I told someone they gave me a panic attack by using it against me.
But I will say I have a fear of spiders, heights, and really tall people intimidate me when I first meet them.
Replying to Bunny: Slenderman must send you into a fucking coma.
ANYWHO, Where d'ya hail from, lassie?
Deleted User
Replying to Bunny:
Yikes, sounds mean.
Have an opinion on things Mike considers "bad"? (clop, furries, Applejack, etc)
What's your favourite food?
Replying to Korporal_kitty:
Replying to johnstephen:
Virginie ye harties.
Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Opinions..Clop ain't my cup of tea, I like drawing animal ears and tails but that's about as far as I go personally, as for applejack I like both applejack and fluttershy.
Favourite food, carrots and lettuce bro.
Replying to JohnStephen:
Oh lol, I never say it seriously, though I much prefer PC. I do know that some people just prefer Xbox, and that's fine.
Replying to MadBadCoyote:
naaah I'm not cool and I don't have any pet's anymore.
Folks don't want anymore pets in the house either >:/ which sucks...I want a kitty.
Replying to Parks:
I'm a girl who everyone calls a bunny..
I don't really have a favourite sport, as for movie I really liked Batman and Wreck it ralph, there aren't many people to go to the movies with 'round these parts.
Favourite show...hm..I like adventure time Regular show and Doctor who.
Deleted User
Replying to Bunny:
I'm glad you don't hate cloppers or furries. (considering I am one)
I cant have pets. I'm allergic to everything :(
Favourite Disney movie? Favourite underated movie?
Favourite music genre?
Favourite band/artist?
Replying to KaiserKiwi:
The nickname came from the fact I eat lettuce and/or carrots almost daily, I can't sit / stand still for long or I "bounce" I'm shorter than most my friends and easy to scare. After my friends realized that they deemed me a rabbit and since then I've been called bunny. Or those were the reasons I was given by them.
Replying to MadBadCoyote:
I don't /hate/ much also that sucks :<.
again with movies I mean...The little mermaid I watched so much I broke the VHS? And I don't remember the last underrated movie I watched.
Replying to JohnStephen:
wat u srs rite now?
Replying to nate:
I like too much music to pick a genre
But I really like regina spektor
Replying to Tereall:
Bubbles, she is the joy and the laughter
Replying to Tereall:
I love anime always have
Childhood says kirby I say Link. Mario's p cool but third on my list.
Deleted User
Replying to Bunny:
Do you draw ponies?
Favourite colour? (sorry if already asked)
Favourite Teen Titan? (or if you haven't seen it..) Favourite SuperHero?
What's your favourite past cartoon?
(AHHH, im sorry i asked so much! im just really bored in school)
Replying to Tereall:
Resident evil? Typhlosion and Feraligatr. I'm pretty sure pikachu would eat Yugis cards. I like Bunnies and Kitties. fluffy things.
Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Yes, all of them, Robin, Dick grayson,Nightwing.
I miss all the old cartoons, but i really miss rocko's modern life.
Deleted User
favourite valve game?
(I miss Kids Next Door a ton.... theres barely any good cartoons on anymore)
Replying to McVear:
Also i didnt see this one,
Fluttershy and Applejack
Shy and southern kinda my life right there.
Replying to Tereall:
Do I have to choose? I love them all. If I could I would pinch all of their cheeks and give them giant hugs.
Replying to JohnStephen:
Typhlosion has been my favourite since I was 5, Love silver.
Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Portal, left 4 dead, Killing floor, binding of Issac, amnesia.
KimmyJ King Chad
Is it ok if I constantly make references to The Big Lebowski every time I reply to a post of yours?
Replying to KimmyJ:
Sure why not
Replying to Tereall:
Vegeta and Venom
Replying to Johnstephen:
why thank you.
Replying to Bello6:
Those achievement hunter guys and that ltmkilla guy is pretty awesome.
Replying to Tereall:
RDJ if I had to choose.
Replying to MadBadCoyote:
She annoys me sometimes but I like her
Deleted User
Replying to Bunny:
For a second there I was sad, until I finished your sentence.
You can reply to multiple people in one post? News to me
Has your AMA been fun so far? Mine was.
(Precal suuuuuuuuux)
Replying to Tereall:
I don't remember which book was my favourite at this point. All three but childhood says tekken. (Yoshimitsu will forever scare me)
Also Halo. I mean I like them both and I suck at both but halo wins.
"An I asking to many questions"
Lol, i get the feeling that you were asking all of those questions as a setup for that one.
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