123 Replies

Chenzo = The Optimist; Sanguine
Stingy = The Cynic; Melancholic/Choleric
Leisdog = The Other Cynic; Choleric
Prodocol =The Apathetic; Phlegmatic
W/Rex/ = The Realist; Choleric
Based on the Four Temperaments and Four Philosophies.

Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
@Miser_Reborn: Also, what would BearSmarts be since he was the unofficial 6th member?

@Chenzo: It's kind of tough, considering how little we knew of BearSmarts, the man. More so BearSmarts, the legend. I'd have to say Sanguine, maybe with a little phlegmatic. Probably another Optimist. So basically you. What would you say?
Or if we want to be poetic we can just make him Leukine and Conflicted.
Also apology for being 2 months late.

Chenzo ( ͡° ͜ʖ
@Miser_Reborn: It's alright. And that whole Leukine thingy sounds good to me.
Although I've pretty much given up on him staying on here for the long run.

Redblood801 Chief Dingus
@Overt_Ode: Well at least it's Teen Titans show Tera and not Tera from the comics.
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