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Just wanted to say


That due to my short time here, I've become curious about MLP.

And because of that, I truly hate you all.

Well, hate is a strong word. I'm deeply angry at you all.

Well, I shouldnt really be angry at you guys. You like what you like, and it's not your fault I showed up here.

It is Mikes fault though.....thanks for making a cool site I guess. Jerk

(where is the best place to indulge my curiousity? Might as well get it over with.

18 Replies



Sorry. Forgot that. Was gonna drive me crazy otherwise.


Replying to JRFish3r: How about


So.... do you hate MLP? Or what?


Never watched it. Can't hate it till then. Just had no interest in watching it.


Sooooooooooooooo thanks for making this thread?


so is he a brony or not?


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Not pointless, or rather, not intended to be. I don't have cable, and was curious about MLP, so I do want to check it out. That curiousity was formed because of the amount of bronies here. I'm just fearful, because if I like the show (and from what I gathered, I will) I will watch it all. And if that information is found out by people outside of this board, it will fucking ruin me.

And yes, I could have googled searched. But that's like shouting for an answer out a window when you're standing in a room of experts. I was hoping for a more trusted answer.

Also, I never hated MLP. I never hated bronies. I'm just one to get sucked into such things so I avoided it. But I like these boards. And it is a constant mention. So I might as well take the plunge.


Replying to JRFish3r:
How will people finding out you love an amazing show ruin you?

also was made by mike


If you really think you'll get shit for it, don't mention it to people you know in real life.


Replying to krog_mlp:

You know how Jack isn't all that understanding.

I'm surrounded by crueler versions of him. Minus the beard. And it will ruin me because these people are my friends and family. I kinda want to not hate them. And with Facebook, all it would take is one person to open up pandoras box of constant shit.

Replying to Matt:

Not planning on it. It's being caught watching that I am fearful of.

Also, I really fear becoming Mike. Because, on reading that, I am clearly batshit insane. God damn. I suppose I could have just stated "hey, you bronies made me curious, where can I check out the show online" and saved myself trouble huh. I feel bad guys. My bad.

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I got into the show because of these guys.
Watched it all in about a week and a half. ( and loved every second of it )

Only problem is that there isn't anypony i know ( IRL ) that would look past the title to give the show a shot.

Its kinda lonely here, in my depressing thoughts


Replying to JRFish3r:Listen i know how you feel,I watch the show and i dont say fucking AnyPony or EveryPony i think that fucking retarded but i do say Watch the show, you dont have to have it become your whole life. Its just a show, Some people take it WAY too far, But its just a good show. Give it a chance.


I watched MLP because of Mike
I am not a hater but i am also not a brony
The purpose of any community should be to support each other, so if another community excludes you for being part of another community then they are not a good community

In conclusion:
If you like MLP, join the herd
If you don't like it, don't hate it or the people that do like it



Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.


I thought I was the only one :')

Yea nobody in real life knows I watch MLP. I'm just waiting for the right time to tell them you know?


Everyone I know in real life knows I love the ponies and I don't care if they think its weird or not you shouldn't be ashamed of anything you like


Shame only accounts if Im hurting someone. Watching MLP (3 episodes in, and yeah, it's good) doesn't do that. No, it's the "I don't need you giving me any of your judgemental bs so I'm just gonna distance myself from you" that has me worried.

Which is ironic, considering the whole friendship is magic thing. But yeah. I'm liking it so far.

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