Why does Krog hate us all.
151 Replies

I hate you all because you are overly arrogant, you ruin jokes (ROLF, Michael Jordan), none of you are very smart, you hero worship the IB crew, you ask terrible questions for them to answer. During a Mikecast if a girl comes into the chat you all go nuts about it
want more reasons?

Replying to aWSOMN360: After all is said and done you all give him the attention he seeks by making threads complaining about him. He can go on and on but all you do is feed it with threads like this and actual complaining. When CHAT started he did this and we all pretty much ignored it. Now more people give him attention. And something in him makes him come back either for the attention or some other reason. Why he hates he keeps to himself and uses words like faggot and cancer. These words don't apply and are useless and made light when people use them. Especially cancer Millions die around the world of this incurable diese and he uses it to describe people he doesn't like on the internet.

Replying to krog_mlp:
1. I could give less of a shit about the internet box crew.
2. Learn the difference between arrogance and sarcasm.
3. Most people in chat don't ask questions.
4. Running jokes into the ground is our style of humor.
5. Nobody seems smart on the internet.
6. If anybody is not smart on this site it is you.
Seeing that I have disproved all of yours yes I would like more reasons.

Replying to krog_mlp: Staying here just to see our agony and pain makes you a terrible person.

Replying to krog_mlp: You really think I'm going to believe that mike enjoys watch his fans suffer. Also if being a terrible person is what you are aiming for go ahead. I wish you would just do it somewhere else though.

Replying to krog_mlp: And your also basing your opinion of people purely off how they act on the internet.

I have stopped caring by this point, and I will admit, some of his comments are pretty funny.

It's because he's a faggot that likes men, and is jelly of the massive amounts of women we all get. Clearly.

Replying to krog_mlp: I don't go crazy when girls go into the Mikecast as I know most of them it's mostly the assholes who are there for the first time. As for the jokes I don't give a fuck about MLP anymore, Michael Jordan was overused I admit. A lot of people do worship the crew but this is a gathering place for fans of the IB so it kinda makes sense.

Replying to krog_mlp: Thats what your twitter profile picture is and I don't know many people who put japanese characters as there profile picture.

I don't understand this. It's like high school drama over the internet.
If you don't like krog, then just ignore him. This is a community, there are going to be people you like, and people you dislike. There are going to be people that are great, and people that are jerks. There are going to be things you like and dislike, but life works the same way. Not everyone gets along, and you just have to deal with the people around you.
So basically.

Replying to krog_mlp: SOMEONE JUST STUCK UP FOR YOU AND YOU CALLED THEM A RETARD AND MADE PETTY INSULTS. You are honestly one of the biggest assholes I've ever met. I'm usually a fairly calm person, but people like you I can't stand. I wish I could just ignore you like everyone else.

Replying to krog_mlp: I will admit it has always been a dream of mine to be on a japanese TV show.

Replying to krog_mlp: When people try to have pleasant conversations, a normal person responds with a pleasant conversation. You're either a troll or a jackass.

Replying to krog_mlp: Nah son, I believe in reincarnation, if I kill myself I could end up as someone as retarded as you.

Replying to aWSOMN360: you either don't know how reincarnation works or you're a terrible person

Replying to AStingyMiser: because the person you are reincarnated as is based off of the person you were in your previous life, you were a bad person you get a shitty reincarnation and vise versa

Replying to krog_mlp: Ah. Well then I guess you're right, he clearly has no idea. Otherwise he'd know he wouldn't get someone as shitty as you.

Replying to krog_mlp: Sorry im not of legal age to smoke and there are very few areas with high amounts of radiation in my neighborhood. If you ask in five years I might be able to accept you're offer.

Replying to BigPaul: Come to think of it a photo album thread wouldn't be a half bad idea.

Replying to krog_mlp: Im sorry some of us are going through a thing called puberty. It the process of becoming a man.

Replying to BigPaul: because I needed a good reaction the uglo's picture so I googled "bigpaul is a faggot"

Replying to aWSOMN360: You're a dude? And I figured you were going through puberty because you look like a pepperoni pizza with that acne

Replying to krog_mlp: im so glad you didnt post one of the pics of me then, that would have been embarassing thank you so much. :)

Replying to krog_mlp: Ahh isn't that sweet you went to your favourite gay porn site and found a picture.

Replying to krog_mlp: No clue what that is but I'm expecting its something negative. Next question, do you like mlp.

Replying to aWSOMN360: It's a reference to 4chan. It's supposed to be a triforce and is used to show skill with unicode and, consequentially, experience with forums.
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