Fuck it krog had one. And now he is asleep. So go for it. Give it your best shot.
800 Replies

@AStingyMiser: I don't really get mad. It is just that I get upset when people try and question my opinions.

@Neal: I'm sorry. I know I'm unbearably stubborn at times. Like every time except that one time I realized that my friend was right when she said chocolate cookies are better than peanut butter ones.
... That was a lie I'm actually always stubborn.

risaxis BANNED
If you could fly, who would be the first person you would have blow you?

@risaxis: I don't know about you but I don't need to fly to get blown. But I would fly to Japan and get one of those anime chicks they have there to do it.

risaxis BANNED
If you were a pokemon from the diamond/pearl gen, which pokemon would you be?

risaxis BANNED
So what will you do with the rest of your life?

@M4xwell: Ones with no meaning or would be a useless contribution. (ex: "bump because why not" or adding to an argument like 2 weeks old or older) are not okay. But when you have more content to add or clarify something if a situation changes are okay.

risaxis BANNED
Do you belong to any brand?

@Redblood801: (Assuming that google has not failed me) I suppose he would get sixth in the winter Olympics for Ice skating.

@risaxis: Can you elaborate on that? Like do you mean that Coke owns me or what are you talking about?

risaxis BANNED
@Neal:Like I use my microsoft products and stick with them and belong to that brand. Some people is clothing or shoes or technology.

@risaxis: Oh, Well mine would just be game companies. Like I get all the Nintendo systems, I'd get a new console for a great Platinum game or the next Bioware RPG.

@aldude: I enjoy it. It makes me feel good knowing that at some point people cared who I was during a time in my life that I was unsure about everything ever. Even if most of the questions were from Tereall it let's me know that I made a good friend here on CHAT. The success to me isn't reply count( since like 50% of it is me) it is the jokes and good times while using it.

risaxis BANNED
So if you had to choose, would you do fluttershy or mike?

@EnlightenedOne: Single.
I have seen MLP.
I've seen clop on CHAT only.
I don't.
I'm very real.
Knight's Tale.
I'm not.
They are the same.
Whenever I feel like it.
I don't have one.
Give it to my roommate.
At the edge of a cliff.
South Park/Simpsons.
No. (Edit 2 years later. I flew to Vegas and stayed at Tereall's house for 4 days along with Luay and Kiern.)

Deleted User
Will Neal get an appeal?

@Jade: I actually met Tereall, Runlikablkguy (Luay), and mpk (kieran) this year. Flew to Vegas to see them

absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
Has anyone ever told you the Neal and Bob joke? Do you think it's mean-spirited or do you accept it as just a bit of banter?

Deleted User
How's your AMA so big?
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