Fuck it krog had one. And now he is asleep. So go for it. Give it your best shot.
800 Replies

Replying to Tereall: After the wave of one that are happening now. But before a new wave of ones start.

Deleted User
Could you please go read my response in the Discord thread?

Replying to Bello6: Meh. That seems boring. The worst part of most of these is that people ignore them or miss them. And I never go with the crowd. But If you guys don't want it I won't force it on you. I just had a question for everybody else and then this happened. again

Replying to Tereall: This thread was top thread besides the One word ones that would then get locked. the one that knocked it was post your gamertag.

Replying to BearSmarts: Imagine a whale cock. Now forget about that and think of s throbbing black penis. That one is not mine either. Why are you thinking of dicks so much? If I have to give you a number then like 45.

Answer to every body. I'll lock this thread when I am all done with IB ad CHAT. So if it fills I'll make another one.

Replying to Runlikablkguy: I think it is because we are in WV and we have a bunch of rednecks that he grew up around. Sorry for that again.

Replying to forecep: I could go on and on, but the three biggest reasons is that 1. Halo Makes sense of why bullets bounce off of you with spartan armor. 2. Halo is much more immersive by having a much greater amount of campaign and lore. 3. Halo has better mechanics for Xbox because it is an exclusive while CoD has to make the same game for different hardware therefore making it weaker all around, while this is true for a lot of games CoD has a new one every 6 months or so they don't spend as much time in development.

Replying to AStingyMiser: Old school sonic and Sonic Generations is better. But Mario is better in recent years. But Luigi is best.

Replying to Tereall: I forgot that I got my files deleted so I'm happily playing through it again.

Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

Replying to Tereall: Because thats why. No no but in all seriousness. Its because I'm an AAAASSSSSSSHHHOOOOLLLLLLEEEEEEE!!!!!

Replying to AStingyMiser: Yeah, but then it became too much fun. And while everybody copied it, including you, this is still the most successful thread. Plus I said I was going to leave it open for the lulz.

Replying to deadshadow: Silver Spoon. No question. If there is one person I hate more than a main bully it is the person accepting them.

Replying to Tereall: If you mean why do I not love you I have to tell you that I do love you (in a totally straight way). But that is just what I think it means

Replying to deadshadow: To be totally honest with you. I do not know what yiffing means entirely. So I can not successfully answer this question. But I'll say no for now.

What are your thoughts on adoption? Are adopted children, not mentioning names of course, outcasts from society? (please no realtalk)

Replying to AStingyMiser: Adoption is the fault of parents that couldn't take care of there kids. And those people who adopt people are great people. But in reality we adopt all of our friends, and people we let get close to us. So adopted people should be treated like everybody else. Or else they are a wizard or half-blood and they will ruin your life for the lulz.

Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

Parks Ass To Ass
This probably has been asked already. What are your opinions on the video game violence bullshit?

Replying to Parks: Violence makes violence. But virtual violence doesn't program you to be violent. I wrote my final paper against this notion in my English class last semester. I know for a fact that video game violence does not make you violent. But I also know about video games. The biggest problem with all this legislation and finger pointing is that nobody doing anything knows about video games. There was an article I read that called out an 11 year old flash game that was made to be extremely violent (and it was taken down) but also calling out games like God of War. But also people claim that it had to be the environment or the games or the (insert scapegoat here) because it couldn't have been a home where the parents drank or had guns available. Or the guy selling guns to the dude that has no permit. And if anybody were to be offended that games are violent and not letting anybody know of that would be awful too bad for them there is a rating system that no parent wants to pay attention to since little Timmy is too busy yelling faggot and playing CoD that he can't bother mommy and daddy. So he finds solace in the game. Look I know parents who have cursed people at stores out because they are required to ask for ID and inform parents of violence in games they think a kid will play. I was in line and pointed out to a mother that the game she was buying was not safe for kids. And since this is America she was convinced I was wrong. The world makes violent people and people close to them let them be violent unlit they shoot somebody or they suicide. Then its the games hypnotizing us to spend money and kill people. But the biggest problem is the media. the news will make tons of accusations about videogames but nobody on the news will play one without a pre thought that they have to hate it. So instead of talking about the scientific evidence on gaming and its affects or having somebody who knows what they are talking about they just say that games are bad. But then don't tell parents that its there fault little Timmy knows the word Fuck because they let him play games unsupervised.
Short version: people won't take responsibility and see gaming as an easy way to blame something else. But if it was true you would actually see a lot more kids yelling faggot and shooting people or you would see me trying to be Luigi or my friend try to free run to be an assassin. People who blame video games are dumb and have must have either no true knowledge of gaming or only have seen game play of super violent games like Dead Space or other super bloody games
real short version: video games don't cause violence people do.

@AStingyMiser: And then I'll use Call of the Haunted and boom. Right back at ya! P.S. That is not a question. Please re word.

@AStingyMiser: You could not no. Because the chaos has powers to bring itself back from the dead.

@AStingyMiser: Yeah. Phil Phister, Chuck Yeager, Burnie Burns, Geoff Ramsey (though maybe not the drinking), Gus Sorola. The first two are "state heroes" and mostly show how you can succeed in WV. And the original RT crew show that opportunity is everywhere and you can make your life great. Gus also shows you don't have to be nice to be sucessful and Geoff shows you can do what you love.

forcep BANNED
opinion of fallout 3

@forcep: Its great. One of the best open world games. But exploration its that great since there is nothing anywhere. And I like that you aren't known for what you do elsewhere most of the time since there is no easy communication. But I do wish there are somethings that were more fleshed out like when you get rid of an NPC (like killing, enslaving, or if there is a way to take them somewhere else) nobody cares about them except maybe one person. But its one of the best games. But it has the problem of all Bethesda games where on my Xbox the longer I play the longer loading is and the more often things screw up and my system might freeze. But I do like that game a lot.

@AStingyMiser: I'm going to say that I played a perfect game. the name is Thomas was alone. But near perfect would be Mass Effect 3. And its not the ending that is bad. Its the fact that your companions aren't always able to talk to. Like in the last games you couldn't talk about major things but you could get lore information and character development talks all the time and frequency of talking mattered. But in 3 they changed so that you can only talk to them at certain times and after certain missions. But the combat and flow of story was much better. Even if you jumped to side missions they were about the main mission. Mass Effect 2 was almost as good. Except I could go from an intense sequence of missions to a really easy laid back one. So Mass Effect 2

@AStingyMiser: Yes a perfect game. That is if you like story and puzzles. You should try it and see for yourself.

To me, a perfect game succeeds in all aspects. But I get what you're saying. Unfortunately, I have no money...

@AStingyMiser: It does excel in all aspects. But I can't say that it is great for scares. But it's mechanics are a puzzle platformer and it has great story telling mechanics. Its also only $10 and it goes on sale on steam. Plus it requires like no specs on your computer. My phone could probably run it.

@Parks: My first games were: Pokemon: Red Blue nad Yellow, Super Mario World, Mario Kart (SNES), and other SNES games.

If you had to play one game for the rest of your life, considering replayability and overall enjoyment, what would it be?

How is the pacing?

What do you do to the movies?

How much girth can you fit in Dat ass?
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