Andrew IB CREW
244 Replies
Replying to OP: What is your favourite Mario character?
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to Thenerdyelmo:
We normally don't have "first time callers" like Trevor or Jasmine. If we do it's because we all know them and hung out. So it's probably a no for now dude, unless we become best friends or something. <3
What thoughts were going through your head when you signed my crotch at RTX? It takes some balls to write on another mans balls in public
ah, i like working in the electronics cause then i can just play games because barely anyone comes back there, and i also enjoy working back stock cause then i don't have to deal with customers
How many linoleum blocks did you destroy back in Graphic Design?
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to ZombieMonica:
I don't think I'll ever change it to "AndrewB" It never really sat with me well. I'd also hate to give up on the "MisterSir" ID.
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to sonny88p:
I'd eliminate an amount of people from each race. Keep it fair.
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to Sai4Win:
GAY RESPONSE INCOMING! There all my friends so I can't really chose that. They each bring their own shit to the table.
What is your favourite color?
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to MsWeill:
It was the task of mirroring the image that I couldn't grasp. I even got my initials wrong! But I have about 17 in my house.
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to dracoizumi:
Oh I'm snipped like... I can't come up with something clever.
Yeah I got that shit taken off son!
How often do you get recognized by a fan in Cape Cod?
Replying to Andrew:
Good answer. Also, do you want an IB shirt at RTX 2013? I promise it will be MJ free!
If I were to draw any of the IB dudes as one of your favourite female characters which guy would you choose and what character?
Replying to Andrew:
Are you going to see the latest Twilight, considering you are such a Twi-hard fan?
Have you seen a video called It's Thanksgiving? It is basically a crappier version of Friday by some random girl, truly terrible. You should look into it if you haven't already
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to Sai4Win:
If you made this that's fucking amazing. If not it's still funny, I just think of you as less than a human being.
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to Zackizzle:
Don't like sliced bread unless it;s Italian. Nothing has changed in a year and a half.
If you could be any video game character who would you be and why?
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to ZombieMonica:
WHOA! It's "on" Cape Cod.
Naw we have fun!
And only once during the summer at the gas station.
Would you bang the Ice Queen? (The gender-swap of the Ice King.) She's like 1000 years old!
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to munsosl:
I like Bond better than Batman as a whole and the story was so good. Less plot holes too.
So since you believe Skyfall > TDKR does that also mean you believe James Bond > Batman? And regardless of who you like better who do you think would win in a fight?
Are you going to be doing anymore Halo: Reach playdates or are they all going to be Halo 4 from now on?
How many times have you seen Skyfall? I'm on my 8th time!
FappingBlackGuy OW;TheJosher
Replying to Andrew: Will you go by the name Banedrew in honor of The Dark Knight Rises?
Andrew IB CREW
One more question: Would you consider being a guest on the Country of Offline livestream?
(It's a all girl stream, but we'll let you be a special guest since you got the most votes when we did the IB guys' makeovers.)
How old we're you when you lost your virginity? Was it to gator?
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to Sai4Win:
I do think Bond is better. But I honestly think Batman would win in a fight.
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to Zackizzle:
For the most part I'd say Halo 4. Unless I want to go back and be all retro-y.
Andrew IB CREW
Replying to ZombieMonica:
Jesus! That's fucking hot! I'be seen it three times. Hope to see it at least three more though.
would you date a butterface for the chance of banging, or date a really attractive lets-not-do-it-til-im-married girl?
FappingBlackGuy OW;TheJosher
Replying to Andrew: You are known now, forevermore, and thereafter as Banedrew.
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