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- 3 Cool
776 Replies

Called some troll autistic in front of a guy with an autistic brother and boy was my face redder than andrew...

TheXRayFactor Based Deak
That's what you get for using "autistic" as if it had ever been even remotely close to a synonym of stupid/dumb.

M4xwell Insanitarium
@TheXRayFactor: Here's a better idea: don't use the word 'autistic' at any times of anger.

M4xwell Insanitarium
@TheXRayFactor: combat fatigue.

@TheXRayFactor: This guy was literally mentally handicapped like i think he requires assistance turning on his computer, and his profile picture looked like a inbred mole that has a steady diet of big macs diet coke and methamphetamines, calling him autistic was an insult to autistic people, i wasn't calling him dumb or stupid i was questioning wether he was mentally handicapped because i was concerned about him chewing on his computer cord and he called me an "aneley devistated ponyfucker" if this guy isn't the definition of fucking retard and is not deserving of the title "patient 0 of autism" then i don't know what kind of a train wreck it could possibly be, i may seem like i dick because of this but I'm literally questioning my existence because of this encounter with "the thing that stalks the youtube comments"

sweggor696969 BANNED
wasup fegits.

Somepony please, grant my wish, make sure Andrew sees this website and gets the help he needs.

M4xwell Insanitarium
@1Rainbow_Dash: My Little Dashie is a piece of shit fanfic, more overrated than Attack on Titan blowing Naruto's crotch.

LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
Replying to OP: I don't know if it was mentioned at the panel, but when are those three new episodes coming out? And when can we vote for the podcast?

Eckstorm125 The StarLord
Replying to OP: So mike, when will you guys come back? and when you do, will you come her often? http://roosterteeth.com/interests/images/image.php?id=1672

LV_Wizard Lord_Haiku
@EnlightenedOne: Does Mike respond to these posts? I just assumed he gets the updates because it's his thread, but it's possible he doesn't read them...

absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
Mike, the avatar feature is broken. When I click on an image, the pop-up to "Set Avatar" and "Delete" only stays on the screen for a second and goes away immediately.

How the fuck have I not stumbled upon this after listening to this piece of shit podcast for so long?
We have work to do here.

We are one and the same.
But nah, I'm the red shirt. Pretty old photo now, we took it when we made the account a year or so ago. Didn't really use it since

mike, what did you do to the website? It's so
seriously though, it's probably a problem with your CSS stlyesheet because it's site wide.

absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
Mike, maybe this is just me with a minor nitpick that probably will go unnoticed forever but I feel like there's an inherent problem with pinned posts i.e. new activity on these threads go unnoticed because they're not subjected to rearrangement on the CHAT page. It is a very minor thing but I feel like there should be a way to make it apparent to people when there is new activity on pinned posts. Suggestions:
1. Add a secondary counter on the CHAT page that shows the user how many newer posts are on the pinned thread since s/he last opened the thread. For instance, say if there were 649 posts on this thread when I last opened it and there are 653 now, the counter on this topic could read 653 ( 4) instead of just 653. This might be challenging from a coding perspective though, I don't know.
2. Add a secondary counter on pinned threads that show many posts were on the thread a week ago. So if there are four new posts this week, the counter would read '653 ( 4)' and I guess people would understand that it's a counter from last week.
3. Probably ignore this because you might actually have a job now and may have better things to do that coding for CHAT in the little free time you have haha.
I just feel like personally, pinning threads seem to defeat the purpose of their existence which is that new activity on them potentially goes unnoticed. I know I could easily circumvent this by favouriting these threads so maybe this suggestion is not worth the effort.
Oh also, I hope you're doing well man.

absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
If you do give the above message it's undue diligence, the secondary counters have plus signs before the 4s that got erased out when I posted. For some reason, I can't seem to make that change work in the 'edit post' GUI either. The new one looks nice and fancy by the way.

Pinned/stickied topics are still arranged by latest post like regular ones. They just always appear at the top.
You're also right about the whole favouriting thing for new replies. No point in having a second counter.

absolutezilch Hey Big Zam!
@Mike: Mhmm, fair enough. Oops, I never noticed the rearrangement of stickied topics, you're totally right. This is just like the time I never noticed the expanding comment box in the Room and on here; once a newfag, forever a newfag.

Hmm. Maybe this is just me but is anyone else having trouble setting up a new avatar? Can't even get an image to load up once it's been picked.

@Zac: I know. I deleted one of three, opening up a slot. Still can't get a png or gif file to open though.

My_nama_Jeff Oil
OH SHIT! Found out you pinned my film project (for people to brutally hate on), thanks mike! (being 100% serious, thank you mike for pinning my post it means a lot)

Deleted User
@oilfire30: It seems that only the one that I click on clears. Not all from that topic.

My_nama_Jeff Oil
A bunch of things have stopped working, can't lock threads and I can't edit posts, any ideas?


Deleted User
Is this a thing? Does it snow on here during the winter? THIS IS AWESOME!

My_nama_Jeff Oil
@BBurn0: Yep, upside down. I also like the snow, it's a nice holiday touch to the website that is simple enough to not get in the way of what regularly happens on chat.

Deleted User
And it isn't stupid red and green bull crap assaulting my eyes. Hooray for snow! Positivity!

Deleted User
They are awarded occasionally based off of how many posts you have made since the last time you received them. You can also get them from people upvoting your posts.
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