Welcome to the Internet Box's Come Here and Talk.
Basically no one is going to use this, but here it is anyway.
-Don't post anything illegal
-Don't post clop and/or furry porn
-Don't spam
Breaking said rules will get you banned. No warnings.
You can use basic BB code to style your text; bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough.
If you created a topic, you also have the ability to lock it if you're done with it.
- 3 Cool
776 Replies

you might want to add some BB tag buttons that people can press
mailed you the code now
if you need me to explain it some more feel free to ask

How about if you enter the konami code, it plays a sound clip from the PONY.MOV series. Just for shits and giggles.

Being able to edit your original thread post would help so you don't have to lock it and wait for it to be buried while people think you're a dumbass for fucking up...

Deleted User
Hey Mike, is there anyway you could make it so we can embed YouTube videos like we do images?
(also that avatar of yours seems to be shipping Rarity and Fluttershy, response?)

Replying to MadBadCoyote:actually youtube embedding was also available in the code i sent him

Replying to sonny88p:
After thinking about it, I don't think I'm going to implement the buttons, at least for now.
Replying to Tegdif:
The shame will stay. People need to learn how to proof read.
Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Done. Put the YouTube video ID between [youtube] tags.

Deleted User
skipped right over the shipping question, didn't you Mike?
Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

If you haven't already considered doing it, adding the MikeCast to the Live section might be a good idea. The main detriment I can see is that it will still have a 50 viewer limit, but you could also get like 300 people in the chat which should get their attention towards legitamite-izing-...-ing it!

Replying to MadBadCoyote:
It's just a cute image, that's all.
Replying to Tegdif:
The Mikecast is completely separate. It's my own thing, and shouldn't really be associated with the Internet Box ones.

Deleted User

Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

Deleted User
How do you post .gifs in chat?

Deleted User

Replying to Mike:So if 2 people are dressed as cute animals and kissing in a very cute way you would have no objections?

It may be too late for older threads, but, including the original post date on topics would be nice. When someone says they're having a play-date and make a topic posting the time, it can be confusing if when you don't know what day it's for. You include the time on individual posts but not on the original. I'm not sure why. Seems like a logical thing to do...

I noticed that the IB crew now has an orange border around their posts
Why did you pick orange (does this mean you like Applejack, traitor)
I also saw some members with a purple border
How does one get this honor?

Replying to Tegdif:
I could put it in, but like you said, it would screw will all of the older topics. Is it really worth it?
Replying to sonny88p:
Orange is kind of the un-official colour of IB I guess. As for your other question, it's a secret ;)

Replying to Mike:
* You could put the topic time at the time of the first post, then there are no problems when you do add the topic time feature
* Can you at least tell us how much ass kissing/kicking is required to get the purple honor?
* Also could you add edit time, so people know when the post was edited the last time

Replying to sonny88p:
Topics and replies replies are stored in two separate tables. I couldn't find an easy way to get the date of only the first reply for each topic and copy it into the correct row ID.

Replying to Mike:
The easy way that you can do is just make a php page (I'm just guessing you're better at php than databases)
#it reads in all the different Topic IDs (this step may not be needed depending on how you structured your Replies table)
#then searches for the dates of the first posts in Replies
#and enters those dates into the Topic table
If you need any help with this, you can ask me

Replying to sonny88p: Who are these purple bordered, profanely bigoted, people, bouldering proficiently between previous blocks, prancing, bouncing, petering behind perpendicular behemoths thou speak'st of?

Replying to Tegdif:
Liana (see for yourself http://internetboxpodcast.com/chat/topic.php?id=207)
Replying to Mike:
Can you do something about double posting (count how much time is between the last post of that person and the post that is being posted now and if its under a few seconds don't allow it to be posted)

Could you make a stat system for chat like you did for questions, i know this is probably a lot of work but hope you get around to it.

Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

MIKE!, delete my comments
Its me bein a dumb shit and not knowing how to post pictures
Also, change ya goddamn photo.
It confirms ya a furry


thanks for the chat update it would be heaps cool if people can change there color of the box around them instead of white thanks

KimmyJ King Chad
Replying to Neal: Right after we had a huge teaching session of it. I'm still gonna type everything out so I don't feel like that thread was a complete waste.

KimmyJ King Chad
Replying to SpartanJason: No it is not. Now all you do is click directly on your text to change it, then you click 'save edit'.

Whats the episode where they talk about a video where a guys sings lose yourself and says ed edd and eddy over and over again?

Listening to episode 54 while I'm taking my welding safety test is best way to take any test lol.

Where can we see these pics of disabled anal sex

Replying to Rex: Nice.
How about a Gamercard thing. Or a Roosterteeth profile section, like it has Twitter and Disqus.

Swagger696969 BANNED
dod i dis a por sit wer r da ladie$$?

Calm down NGF. Post has been censored.

risaxis BANNED
fukin rapper over here

Deleted User
Mike, I think you need to specify exactly what we can and cannot do with furry and clop images. You said that both of those things were illegal, which is simply not true.
I see two different options:
1. You could outright ban this kind of content... (i don't like this option, since outright banning something seems pretty drastic and reminds me of a dictatorship)
2. You could allow us to post such things in specially marked threads. (they could have a specific tag, like the NSFW ones do) This way you wouldn't have to look at it, and we wouldn't continue to flood unrelated threads with stuff you'd rather not see.
I'd prefer the 2nd one, since I don't like censorship. (You remember what happened to Derpy?)

Replying to MadBadCoyote:
This whole "POST WHAT I WANT, STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE!" thing is getting out of control.

Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Adjective: Contrary to or forbidden by law.
I am the law.

Mike , why not have a categories tab?
It can be like "horror , poll, video games, cloppin"
It'll make shit alot easier

Mike all that is being asked is can you specify what is and isn't allowed in CHAT. It would help since we have many international members here on CHAT and the laws for what they can do and see on the internet is different than others. Plus many things get censored that may not be illegal, but are very disturbing or rude.

Deleted User
Replying to Mike:
Even if you don't agree with me on the furry and clop issues, I think you should consider being able to assign a tag or categorize a thread.
(would still like you to address what was said above)

Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Don't post it. NSFW content is allowed as long as it's not CP, clop, or furry. As well as it stays in marked topics.

Replying to SpartanJason:
dude, I KNOW!
Everyone loved him for about 5 minutes , then he went apeshit

Replying to Mike:
you're sayin , that clops allowed in nsfw threads called "clop threads"

Deleted User
Replying to Mike:
Alright, censorship it is then. :(
(not allowing certain types of legal NSFW stuff still seems like a dick move)
Now you should probably update the rules stating that that kind of content will be censored/deleted so people won't be surprised by this happening to one of their posts.

Replying to MadBadCoyote: To be fair everything being censored is weird porno (and CP is illegal). People shouldn't come here to post it anyway.

Deleted User
Replying to Neal:
The key word there is "weird". My definition of weird and your definition of weird are 2 completely different things. The idea that someone else gets to decide what is okay or not based on their personal preferences is a scary idea.
I'm trying to convince Mike to treat all legal content that falls under the category of NSFW equally and fairly despite what his opinion of it is. (Sound reasonable?)
Even if Mike doesn't agree with me on the topic, I would like him to change the rules so that those who post things that aren't allowed would know why their posts were censored.
Also Mike, I apologize if I offended you in any way. I'm just trying to keep things from getting out of hand with the censoring of posts.
We cool?
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