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A Good Cause


Friends, humans, Internet Box devotees; I'm not the sort of person to plug something normally or otherwise get on a soapbox, but I came across a petition the other day that sincerely tickled the cuckolds of my heart. The sort of humanitarian effort that, I like to think, we can ALL agree is in our best interests, and so I thought I'd share it with all of you.

[url=]Here it is.

  • 1 Cool

27 Replies


Well, that didn't work as planned. Here's the link.


foking furry

naw people die for a reason



If that's your take on it, I don't think you read the petition.


Ass To Ass

I think a vaccination for Zika wouldn't be fully developed for several months. Stopping Zika would also be a good thing for Cruz to throw around.



@deadshadow: fukin savage


Why would we stop such a glorious thing as the Zika virus?


Ass To Ass

@Master_Hater: Because other "incurable" birth defects already exist.



I mean, why put in all the effort it takes to spread a virus when we can all just kill ourselves. Wouldn't killing ourselves be much easier?


Hey Big Zam!

@oilfire30: I think the general idea was to use a trending disease to make an intentionally offensive petition. Offense and Humour are both subjective things though. Don't be neutral like me, kids because neutral is boring af.



@absolutezilch: I knew that was the joke, but me being me I decided to make it a suicide joke as well as a Zika virus joke.


Based Deak

there is a line between hilarious nihilism and full-on edgy cringe


@oilfire30: I think the idea is it prevents the species from procreating sufficiently without actually killing anyone whose already living. Sure, YOU might kill yourself, but how can you guarantee that your neighbors won't puss out on you and not do it? The only way to be certain is to make sure they can't produce viable young.

For what it's worth, I'm not sure if it's a joke or not. I'd wholeheartedly support it, but then again, I don't have, want or particularly like children, so it's a win-win as far as I'm concerned.


foking furry

look just put em in a camp they die out and the sickness never spreads to other people you just gotta burn everything


foking furry

this is a good cause
Click to play



@deadshadow: I think you think the idea here is stop a disease. I'm saying we should spread it. Sure, scorched earth tactics will work if we're fighting a disease, but if we're collaborating with it...


foking furry

@Master_Hater: the last thing we cured was polio and it came back because people are stupid and we can't cure stupidity




It's Efilism, not nihilism. A lack of an objective intrinsic meaning, substance, or reality in existence isn't the same as saying... non-existence is better than existence, so let's all kill ourselves and ensure the extinction of the human race.

But, with that said... The only reason total omnicide of all life isn't a good idea, is the inevitability of life returning - if I'm to play devil's advocate. And even if you were to destroy the universe, assuming another one will either take its place, or it'll crunch or whatever the fuck, return to singularity, and start again (assuming it's not infinite - which would still prove my point, since shit goes on), then your mission is literally impossible.

But with an overpopulated world, where the existence of human beings is going to ultimately result in the destruction of everyone, everything, or at least our immediate selves, where we and a lot of other shit suffer the meanwhile, even in best case scenario...

Is it even up for debate anymore? Give all them motherfuckers Xenu or whatever the fuck the shit is called.

Convert them all to scientology.


Based Deak

Well, I wasn't talking exactly about the idea of "non-existence is better than existence", it was more like "there is really no point in existence and we will all eventually die so why fiercely fight the very basic nature of death instead of just letting its waves wash over our shores?", but that's alright, whatever, who cares, we are all wrong anyway because, from my understanding, the pregnant women with the virus don't have stillbirths/miscarriage, but rather kids with reduced cognitive ability, but thanks for teaching me that word, I had never heard of it.


Replying to OP: Jesus mate that's fucked up



Think about it this way: If we spread this virus around, the next Street Fighter or Tekken won't have to worry about pandering to the Brazilian audience.


Ass To Ass

@Master_Hater: That's incredibly offensive, Brazilian woman are sexy as hell.


They did a Brazilian version of Woman? Now THAT'S offensive. I mean, after the whole murder/suicide, I thought they would've let that gimmick die. I don't even know what the biggest promotion in Brazil would be.


Ass To Ass

@Master_Hater: Brazilian woman.
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Hey Big Zam!

@Parks: I think he's mocking the fact that you didn't spell it in its plural form. 😋


Ass To Ass

@absolutezilch: I now understand how I screwed up.


@Parks: Well, it was a combination of that and a reference to Nancy Benoit who went by Woman, prior to being strangled with weightlifting equipment.


Ass To Ass

@Master_Hater: I remember when she and her husband died.

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