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Am I gay?


Does getting aroused to Mordecai and Rigby fan fiction make me gay or a furry?

24 Replies

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Ass To Ass

I'm not sure if you're gay, but you could be a furrggot (furry faggot).


Who the fuck gets off to words?


@B0r1ng:50 Shades of Gray was a best seller. Probably more then you think.


Ass To Ass

@B0r1ng: Not gonna lie, I've gotten off to Literotica before.


Women and fags don't count.


Ass To Ass

@B0r1ng: What makes a sixteen year old guy reading a story about two lesbians a woman or fag?


You are a furry and probably not allowed near Mike anymore, but being gay is up to you mang.


@Parks: Because my argument is quickly losing traction and I'm getting defensive.


Hey Big Zam!

It doesn't make you gay; it makes you regular.


When I first watched that show, I could have sworn that Aziz Ansari voiced Rigby but I guess not.


Ass To Ass

@B0r1ng: I've been there before.


foking furry

It's really up to you to decide


Left. wait maybe right. ummm.


@deadshadow: It's not a choice!


Based Deak

Friendly reminder that you are not a real bro if you wouldn't suck your bro's dick


foking furry

@B0r1ng: homosexuality is about 50/50 choice and genetics


Ass To Ass

@B0r1ng: I choose to be Solosexual.


Click to play


Ass To Ass




it makes you an undisputed faggot, trust me. I'm the expert.


Ass To Ass

@mlp_midnaspet: Well, you are THE homo king.


I literally made an account just to say this acknowledge this.

There are two major components to human sexuality: attraction and practice. Attraction is the involuntary arousal you experience when you observe someone who you find attractive. Practice is the sexual acts you choose to do.

So if you wanted to say that sexual orientation is 50% attraction and 50% practice then you'd be right, homosexuality is 50/50 choice and genetics (although studies have shown that while genetics play a role, environmental factors are much more significant when it comes to the chance of someone being a homosexual). However I would say that practice plays a very small part in someone's sexual orientation. Just like celibacy doesn't make someone asexual, having heterosexual intercourse doesn't make you heterosexual. It's rare that homosexuals regularly have sex with a partner of the opposite sex (usually no more than once), but choosing to participate in a homosexual act doesn't make you a homosexual, finding people of the same sex to be attractive makes you a homosexual, which is not something you can choose. Trust me when I say that. I have tried to be straight for the first 17 years of my life, it didn't work.

  • +1

foking furry

@Alan150003: You make a good point but the 50/50 is an approximation its it 1`00% true? No. Your sexuality is a combination of nature and nurture and not one or the other. For you it is more nature and not nurture.


No, no, no. Nurture is not the same as choice. Sexual attraction is involuntary. Your choices may influence that, but you can't choose how they'll influence you. You could be a heterosexual, try gay sex, and like it, or you could hate it. You don't get to decide if you enjoyed the experience because frankly, free will is an illusion anyway.

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