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Can we fix questions?


I've been listening to older episodes and noticed that many of the current top-rated questions are ones that have been asked and answered on the podcast. This poses a serious problem: People are still voting up these old questions, making it difficult for newer questions to be viewed and rated. I think the already answered questions should be moved to the archived section and unable to be rated anymore so that we can provide more attention to newer questions and askers (instead of just the usual "Lee," "sunny88p," etc.)

37 Replies


Based Deak

god dammit mike


people downvote my questions because they are from me
how do I know this, by asking the same question under different names and seeing them be asked under the new names and get minus scores under my name
(tested it a long while back)
so the only ones under my name are really old ones and it'll be very strange if they still get asked
only the ones under my new names get asked a lot


@sonny88p: i love your questions sonny88p they are very entertaining.



@sonny88p: Eh, for me, you are just a 'name'.

If you question is informative and not idiotic and 'just a rephrasing of another stupid topic', then i would 'fluttershy'/approve it.

  • +1

@Dangerfox:Thank you

People like my questions, some people just don't like it when I am the one asking them



To fix the system people need to ask better questions instead of a billion would you rathers.


@Korporal_kitty: The thing is: a lot of generally good, quality questions are staying way down at the bottom with single digit votes because either nobody scrolls down that far to find them OR people aren't 'Fluttershy-ing' them because they are still single digits, and thus cannot get momentum to reach the top. From personal experience, I've posted many questions that just stew at the 0 mark because of these problems; they aren't getting 'AppleJack-ed', they just aren't being seen.

Deleted user

delete it all, require an account to ask a question, and limit questions per twenty-four hours. It should also short by recently asked questions instead of the popular ones that are years old.


I've been going through some of the questions, like the Everypony ones, and upvoting or downvoting on a lot of those with a zero or 1 vote.
I feel like it helps put less of the idiotic ones in the list of possibles for the future, but it's never going to get any shorter. Not unless Mike makes it so those that get -3 or more get deleted or something, idk.
Or maybe if they sit for more than a month without any vote it should be deleted? I don't know, I'm just throwing out ideas.


foking furry

all my questions get removed even though i put thought into them to try not to be like the other dumb questions everyone else asks


foking furry

@simsoy: tell that to shannon she could maybe do something about it


@simsoy: I like this move. The whole system needs to be cleaner, and there needs to be a way to view the newest questions easily so that less well known and a more mixed group of members can get their questions voted up.



@simsoy: I like this, but the fact is, no one would only post questions on a 24-hour period.


foking furry

@M4xwell: maybe a limit on how many questions you can ask a day like 3 or something


you guys ask more than one question per day?


@sonny88p: Being a newer user, within the past few days I had asked about 5 questions, none of which have gotten any attention whatsoever.



To be fair, it's also been the other way around


Grand Wizard

I dunno if this is a good idea, but this is my proposed solution. Delete all the questions and start fresh. For the first two weeks to a month or so, require the user to log in in order to ask questions and limit them to one question a week so that the system doesn't get spammed/over-saturated. That way, people might put thought into their one question instead of mindlessly entering in 7 dumb questions at once. Then after a month, ease the restriction to one a day or something. Thoughts?

  • +1

foking furry

@IceCube: sounds good will it happen nope as mike is a lazy piece of shit


How about this:
1. Delete all questions for a fresh start
2. Login required for asking and rating questions
and a token system (like the bits) where you start with an amount (let's say 20)
every time you post a question it takes 2 tokens away
every time your question gets uprated you gain a token
when your questions get downrated you lose nothing (otherwise 1 question could cost you everything)
so if you ask 10 shit questions then you can't ask any more shit questions
if you ask good questions you get to ask many more

this system will help get better questions, however it will also form an elite of question askers leaving little room for new question askers to join the question fray

so this is not a system I would like to see implemented
but it could give others here the idea for a better system
just brainstorming



@sonny88p: Yeah, but also if you rate like 15 questions you gain 2 more bits. That way you can have more of a chance to make and rate questions. But most importantly Mike needs another person, who listens to the podcast regularly, to filter questions so not every question is "Dear Mike, Would you fuck FLuttershy or a furry?" Or Dear Barbra, [insert something about sonny88p].
P.S. You're great, but the constant obsession with you by other fans who ask questions about you makes for the same answer every time.


@Neal:I don't know why people obsess so much about me
As far as you know I am not that important


foking furry

@sonny88p: sounds like a good system


Chief Dingus

@sonny88p: It's because they mentioned you a lot on the podcast.


@Redblood801:Yes, but that does not make me important


Chief Dingus

@sonny88p: Important, no. Famous, yes. You are one of the more, if not the most, notable question askers whose questions get answered on the podcast after all.


You mentioned 'bits'. What are they actually for? I've never understood that.



@deadshadow: I love how people think I have the amazing power over the site that I actually don't possess.

  • +1

@LynnKelly:bits are used to rate posts in C.H.A.T.
if you rate a post you use them up
if you get rated you gain or lose them
so basically it's a C.H.A.T. popularity score used to try and boost the quality of the posts


foking furry

@Shannon: you talk to mike and he trusts you





Chief Dingus

@M4xwell: Shh shh shh... no tears, only dreams now.



@Redblood801: Sweet dreams are made of these?


Chief Dingus

@M4xwell: They can be... for 100 gems.
CHAT Image



@Redblood801: WHO AM I TO DISAGREE?!


@deadshadow:Don't we all talk to Mike?


Oh well, shit. I was rating without a care in the world.

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