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Twilight Sparkle is Changing


Well looks like Twilight is going to become a princess. I have mixed feelings about it and don't really now what to expect. What do you guys think?

158 Replies


King Chad

Show is kill.



Replying to KimmyJ:
"show is kill"

Deleted user



From the brief amount I've watched, Twilight is worst pony. I hope she gets murdered.


King Chad

Replying to Nate: I'm glad you understood the reference!

Deleted user

I'm all for character development, but this feels like Hasbro forcing the show to do something just so they can sell toys.

I like Twilight. I really do. And I don't want her be changed just because Hasbro said she should be different.

man, now I'm sad again


At least it's nice to know that ponies are mentally retarded when it comes to monarchy.


Replying to prodocol: yea, you right.


Replying to MadBadCoyote: Well I am really disappointed in Hasbro now.


She gonna look cool but who knows the episode might be bad



Deleted user

"However, this pales into something that came down from above regarding S4"

I'm actually crying now. MLP is one of the few things that makes me happy nowadays


King Chad

Replying to MadBadCoyote: Don't worry, the Internet Box will be here!


Replying to MadBadCoyote: I actually believe that image was largely disproven, but there's new evidence for the Twilicorn thing.

I'm seriously going to un-become a brony if that happens to Twilight.

It's bad enough that the episode quality's downhill, now they're going to lose most of their fanbase.



Replying to MadBadCoyote: I'm really sad, Twilight is my favourite pony and if Hasbro messes this up I will be furious! But if it turns out ok then that's that it will all be in the past . Best case scenario Twilight gives up here new form to save everypony.


Yeah this is kinda sad kinda why I like seeing shows end before a lot of this kind of stuff happens

Deleted user

Replying to Captain_Chaos:
i hope it isn't permanent.... but that possibility doesn't look good


Replying to Captain_Chaos: thats what i hope too.





Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Oh no. Oh no no no. Why hasbro, why?
Well, the show had a good run, maybe, MAYBE, they can fix it.
At least the brony fandom will be around, maybe someone who is very talented can make their own show, plot, animation, voice, everything.
Dark days, but like you said one of your favourite quotes,
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.â€


i think its alright though since McCarthy(the head writer) said; “I don’t think becoming a princess really changes her; I think it’s going to introduce some new challenges for her.†so, more variety, and stories in the episodes i guess!

Deleted user

Replying to Nate:
I immediately thought of that quote.

I just don't want MLP to become a thing i used to like. I already feel sad knowing I might never see most of my favourite characters ever again. Even worse, I don't want the show to become terrible.
That would hurt even worse than cancellation.

I'm gonna go cry now.



Replying to MadBadCoyote:
Think about it though, has MLP done you wrong yet?
Don't cry yet, this could be the best season, you never know until you watch it.

Deleted user

Faust tweeted this.
CHAT Image
Then she deleted it and tweeted it again without the last part



Replying to MadBadCoyote: I agree that the "becoming a princess to sell toys" is stupid and totally against what made the show good. But we did see this last year with both the wedding and crystal ponies (I'm not saying I liked those I'm just saying that is what they were for.) But the thing that brings my blood to a boil is that it is complaining that "we didn't get a say in this" you don't get a say in this because you shouldn't get a say in it because you are the fandom not the creators. I find it horrible that the fandom thinks the creators will do what they say, and it isn't even fan service anymore it is straight up servitude.


Replying to MadBadCoyote: As I replied, the Twilight Alicorn thing was never official. But she said it. So now it is official. So FUCK HUMANITY.


Actually I'm just hoping for another finale summary like Mike did for season 2.


Ass To Ass

I'm a fan of changing up show's in ways people don't expect (only if the change makes sense, and the creators don't regret making that change.), that being said it sounds great for the show if Lauren can't be Twilight anymore.

Deleted user

Replying to Leisdog:
I'm not demanding anything. I'm just really worried. I just want the show to be the best it can be..

I wasn't around for the Royal Wedding thing. I don't even understand how that seemed like an issue at the time.
This seems more like a permanent change to the show that the creators of the show didn't want to do in the first place.

Deleted user

Replying to Nate:
I won't answer the first question because you wouldn't like my answer.

And if i don't think about it, i remember why i'm not thinking about it. Then tears


Replying to MadBadCoyote:Come on be happy Don't cry



Replying to MadBadCoyote:
I'm sorry, I'm really bad at making things better...
Don't worry no matter what happens, You, Eddie, and I can still be gay togethers


well as long as she's happy.


I wonder what will be said about this on the Internet Box next week

Deleted user

Replying to Bello6:

Replying to Nate:
it's okay, I'm used to being sad. It's just i haven't been like this in awhile....

Replying to Captain_Chaos:
I hope there's a commotion over this at Bronycon.


Replying to MadBadCoyote: i think (or kinda hope) it will be sorted out by that time


( ͡° ͜ʖ


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I'm sure it won't change much. It'll probably just she gets some new princess mode or some shit. Then again, if that happens all the others will probably get their own ones for more Toys.

So, the show is going to become My Little Power Rangers, and I'm OK with that.


King Chad

Replying to SoralovesKairi: Woah, I haven't seen you around here in a while.


Replying to JohnStephen: I thought the Elements of Harmony filled the super mode role.



I watch the show because like cartoons, and it reminds me of the old days were cartoons were full of innuendo and pop culture references


Replying to Captain_Chaos: Really? I didn't watch much of the show.


Replying to Leisdog: MFW.


It would be funny if like as soon as the episode airs they just send out tweets and stuff saying we where just joshin ya


( ͡° ͜ʖ

Did you guys seriously think something like this wouldn't happen with Lauren Faust no longer running the show?

Also season 4 premiere sneak peek:


It unbalances the ponies since there will now be 1 alicorn 1 unicorn, 2 pegasi, and 2 earth.


I just had a vision.
I have seen the future.
Twilight becomes princess.
They have an episode showing off how much responsibility it is.
Then probably Sombra (still sucks) appears.
And good Discord is the Deus Ex Machina who make Twilight normal again.



Hasbro is just trolling?


I only kinda liked twilight so as long as they don't mess with the other ponies im not too worried for the show

Deleted user

Alright, i stopped panicking.
im going to believe this so I don't cry myself to sleep right now.

I really hope it isn't permanent. I really do.



Jesus fucking christ it's even here I can't get away from it. It's on Bronies Australia, Reddit and I'm sure it's on Equestria Daily..... I'm just gonna blank it out until the last second when the episode comes out and from there think about how i'm gonna take action.



Replying to MadBadCoyote: All will be revealed this Saturday!

Deleted user

Replying to ltayl1:
Feb 16th :(
The waiting doesn't help calm my fears at all
(Is there even an episode this week?)


Replying to EVERYONE:


Click to play


All my hope goes down the drain...
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foking furry

i don't want this


Replying to Chenzo: Oh god help us!

Deleted user

well now i'm crying again. I dont actually wanna watch this episode at all. or any episode at the moment.


Replying to MadBadCoyote:


Now best pony is gonna be princess. All hail queen sparkle!

Deleted user

Replying to Eddie:

Even if it's well received, I don't think I'm going to watch this episode as soon as it comes out. Especially if it's not.


foking furry

Replying to MadBadCoyote: im gonna watch it and i will inform you about it

Deleted user

Replying to deadshadow:
thank you

I don't think I'd be able to make myself watch it at all tho


Replying to MadBadCoyote: That's in Saw XXXIV, the people are forced to watch the new MLP episodes.


foking furry

Replying to JohnStephen: nice


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foking furry

Replying to Eddie: true, nice pic where did you find it


Replying to Eddie: 10 spacebucks says the story will be as follows:

Twilight becomes a princess (because Equestia's monarchy is corrupt as fuck), everyone's happy for her at first, everyone misses her, she misses everyone, she sacrifices being a princess because friendship, everyone's happy and Spike murders them while they sleep, earning his freedom.


foking furry

Replying to JohnStephen: then he turns super sayian and kills everyone freeing his people he will let rarity live just to fuck her


Replying to deadshadow:
Saw the link on Reddit, but the pic is from Deviantart.

Deleted user

Replying to JohnStephen:
I hope they do that (well, at least the first part) with the season 4 opener. I don't think i can watch if she's like that all the time.


Replying to deadshadow:What the fuck


foking furry

Replying to MadBadCoyote: that would be best writing wise


The shitty thing is that in the rare chance that they can actually make this a good thing we won't be able to find out until season 4.


foking furry

Replying to Bello6: yea i dont think i should have gone there


I think I have the plot figured out. Twilight drinks Red Bull. It gives her wings.
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Deleted user

Replying to Eddie:
I wish i could laugh at that.

i... just cant right now


foking furry

Replying to Eddie: nice red bull is shitty though


For once I sympathize with Hitler...
Click to play


Replying to Eddie: There it is again! "Alicorn"!

Why does every think that's what Alicorn means?


God damn I didn't actually realize how much this show meant to people. I actually hope to one day get attached enough to a show/game to feel this strongly.


foking furry

Replying to Eddie: welp

Deleted user

Replying to prodocol:
I've only done this to Mass Effect and Avatar: The Last Airbender (show) before.

One ended spectacularly.
The other imploded in on itself (for me at least). I don't want that to happen to MLP


Replying to Eddie: Once again, "You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means".

Alicorn is what unicorn horns are made from, a winged unicorn is called a Pegacorn or just Pegasus.


Replying to JohnStephen:

It has 2 meanings. The definition is:

Alicorn historically referred to the horn of a unicorn or its substance. See alicorn on Wiktionary for citations of other uses. It is also used as a name for a Winged unicorn in popular culture.

It's also not like I'm the only one saying this. It is what the MLP fandom calls them. The writers have called them that too. It may not be the actual meaning, but in the MLP universe winged unicorns are called Alicorns.

EDIT: I also checked the Wiktionary it refers to, and this is one of the definitions: A winged horse with a single horn on its head; a winged unicorn. Synonyms: pegacornunipegunisus
I'm just using the defintion accepted by the fandom.


foking furry

im not relay sure how i feel i like twilight but i feel like it wouldn't work story wise


Replying to Eddie:
apparently when I copy text that is a link it automatically makes it a link on this site now?


foking furry

Replying to Eddie: nice


Replying to deadshadow:
no not nice. Now this shit is spamming the thread.

Deleted user

Replying to Eddie:
The weird auto embedding is kinda annoying


foking furry

Replying to Eddie: its better than it no showing up


Replying to Eddie: I didn't know that they were referred to Alicorns, I always thought they called Princess Celestia a unicorn?


Replying to JohnStephen:
The call her a princess. the fandom call the alicorns. I don't see why you're getting mad at me. It's not like i'm the only one that calls them that. It is what everyone calls them.

Deleted user

Replying to Eddie:

Alicorn was used to describe the amulet Trixie wore


foking furry

Replying to MadBadCoyote: yea she was a bitch in that episode


Replying to Eddie: I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to see it as getting angry at you, or at all.

I'm was just confused why everyone was calling them Alicorn.


Replying to JohnStephen:
it's cool. Also what MadBad said. They have referred to alicorns on the show.
This is called the alicorn amulet (it shows a winged pegasus):
CHAT Image


Replying to Eddie: That looks strangely Nazi-like.


foking furry

Replying to JohnStephen: yea kinda

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